Separate names with a comma.
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:omgomgomg:MORE! I'll take more! :naughty:
Yeah, I have the seat on the beach but have yet to put up the deco one. After putting the new chairs in I have to conserve some Deco slots for...
GAW added a little dragon statue to rewards for 2000 points. ^^
Granzella crowned #3 the swimwear queen. ^^ After they updated the page they translated their occupations, #3 is a museum curator. One other...
[media] Hey Joanna, Notice the "tropical beach chair series" at the end. :hamsterdance:
LMAO! The casino is only in NA and EU. They are one picece including the shoes.
I don't understand why so few people voted on this, the winner is going to win by less than 20 votes total?!?! And I bet a majority of the voters...
LOL! I don't do it any other way really!
I also voted for #3, but I didn't get a wallpaper. 0.o
Yes he is. Thank goodness I do know so many mature players my own age, I'd probably stay anonymous on Home if there weren't. 8/
How do you get the wallpaper?
Put him on ignore, No friendships with children. especially ones who insult and beg for gifts. XP
Big Red Monster is at it again, trolling for someone to friend him and send him gifts. DON"T! I got taken for 2 companions then told I was a...
I was told they were for vitality but that could be wrong since we didn't hear it from Faga. 8)
OMG! Does he do that?!?! :laugh: I wonder what happens to him if he gets to the edge and drops off? :eek: Does he keep falling into nothingness...
That damn robot is always trying to hump my leg :confused: He's just too pushy for me to keep him out all the time! Especially in the neon apt, he...
Same here, I only have 3 left on the second floor from the same tray and the legs from the two smaller Dino's near the door. its frustrating not...
I'm wonder if the DLC will come in a package or if we buy it in pieces too, it really looks like a cool game. ^^
Sony's 'wacky' Tokyo Jungle headed to North America and Europe | Joystiq :hamsterdance:
Are the new kitchen items active in any way to help in Peakvox or just decoration? Faga posted before that they were thinking about adding more...