Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
That list is pretty big now! Do you think they will ever get rid of that area at some point? They should have no need for it at some point if they...
Rewards from neon, nice to see an update finally. The rain is nice, I like how you can see the water on the umbrella. There are also new items at...
:shocking: Recca I'm shocked you didn't mention the free Persona posters! [ATTACH]
DAMN! Thanks Faga, I'm sure that is what it is. I'm going to do some fishing without the new pole then later on. I started a fishing FAQ to keep...
I got the silver crown today! ^^ the log shows 5 of each Nushi. I caught a 86cm green kappa but no stool. Brock got one with the same. Is there a...
So then we need to fish in the space till we get the monthly goal and an icon will appear above our heads?!?! is that how it works? 0.o
Speedy also said that the monthly objective for the new fishing space is to catch a kappa over 75mm to get a green kappa stool, Nushi do not count.
There is a new icon in GAW fishing, anyone know what it's for?
Yep, that's right Hop. :O
We were so close, 88% last night. I got the silver statue and a scolding as well. I had a very high participation score and I only did the bike...
Me too! ;D I wonder if it will be in preview at X7 since it's not coming for sale otherwise this week? The suits are being shown in it if you...
Thank goodness! I love the jinbei and the yukatas, that's what I mostly wear in NA. I like them enough to get all of them in JP too! ^^
Time for tea! :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It was confirmed by twitter for NA so I would hope that means everywhere else too.
Hey Recca, Granzella announced the Bon Odori is coming to the US in October. :eek:
Just follow them on your US Twitter. ^^
Set Your tine zone to Tokyo and Update the time and date by internet, then you'll find it in the lab. ^^ I am doing this friday bonus on the...
Ok got my answer from Granzella on the tea items from Twitter: Granzella Inc. @granzella_inc @stevev363 Yes, they will remain as the reward even...
If they are in rewards then they are there to stay, the limited time rewards are usually related to purchases made or events being held. I have...
No, we need to start a guide. Basically the first few have somethIng to do with the dojo like adding 2 viewing areas, another one is so you can...