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i'm sick of the price difference between EU and NA for the office bundle $6,99 vs 3,99€ come on sony that's enough what's the reason for that...
I had several freeze at Granzella's beach (NA Home) yesterday and i was not alone, 2 friends being there with me froze at same time. Heard about a...
yes i confirm you have to go through the hut to access extensions from public Granzella... kinda weird ^^ dunno yet whether japanese guests can...
seems the house we can see at Granzella's lagoon is now to sale ^^PlayStation®Home ƒIƒtƒBƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒTƒCƒg
i used ~~2500 pts to get last 6 fish rewards ^^ (had almost 9000) no idea whether points are still usable for something elsegot my 3rd stingray...
1,517,760 left right now... between 150,00 and 200,000 gone every 10 mins getting soon =^_^=
it's currently just above 10 000 000 eggs to go, i'm almost 900 000 and trying to reach the million before community set countdown to zero ^^
the game seems to give more golden eggs (10000pts) now, got 6 on my 2 last play ^^
yes i did
i joined PSN and PS Home on july 3rd 2010 and i got my gold PS3 redeem code 3 weeks ago
congrats to all 4 winners, enjoy
my favourite home to buy is definitively japanese one but i must admit i'm kinda shopaholic and spent some $ on NA and € on EU homes... even...
not for me, despite the rewards looks cool, i wont buy male outfits i'll never wear... shame on sony for these kind of practiseat least, since...
good to know so i'll have to keep on gathering points at the churaumi lounge ^^
Neederu ruushe
i've just finished gathering the non rare fish now i need to focus on baracuda, dolphyfish and stingrayalso i've finished gumball since a week...
me too, especially when i've time to spare in it
well got shark twice, guess i saw the barracuda from outside tank but was never able to shot it when i dove T_T
i love that pict, at first time i saw those items i had the idea of an half angel half devil that Sorrow used for the comics we made a few weeks...
Hi, here are some of the picts i've taken during the two last Macross show.It was amazing show, i really enjoyed watching and rewatching (3...