Separate names with a comma.
Interested in meeting a fantastic group of people and getting all the latest on PS4 Social worlds?
If I recall and memory serves me right, I think you can already deactivate the system via web?
Thats just it, times are changing, I mean I have 2 PS3's in my home, and I don't think I would use more then 2 anyways. Only time I would use the...
I started a thread on the PS forums, and would like to know what your thoughts on here at YPSH.[ Peoples Rudeness On Home ] | PlayStation®...
This does piss me off, and I have to agree. Why they always keep us out of the loop. Have a little respect for the community.
Oh okay, thanks for confirming that Carla, :)
They mentioned later this week? So does that mean we could start seeing the new content, or do they mean later this week it was posted?
I 2nd to this, give us something to show for it, isnt there something 78 million people signed up with PSN? Their making a nice profit from all of...
A good friend today, a very good one indeed died today of a heart attack. Some or some may not know or remember him. But for those that do, this...
One word, awesome, it never seems to amaze me how well Sodium makes their spaces and designs them. Good job, this would be a great place to host a...
Was I misunderstood? I thought we were suppoed to get this as a personal space? Durning the welcome back package? Is this just a preview?
How many here feel that sense the outage that PSN Home, and Network are down more then it's up? Their forums are always down, I haven't been able...
Are you still playing Guildwars? Let me know and i'll give you my IGN, :)
I have Guildwars too as well, an old WoW player here. I have had Guildwars for 5 years, and I love the game, still play it to date. Guildwars 2 is...
For the most part, looks like a very nice update, finally casino. Wish there was more games in it though. Very cool though for sure.
Wow, that looks sweet, like to see more of this.
Yes I agree, very hard to keep straight, lol, i'll keep trying. :)
Oh ok cool, ya I wondered, lol, so your using the Titan with Afterburner 5 start, the basic air breaks. Man you are so smooth on those turns, it's...
I noticed Dan is using the Titan engine, however, I see hes got 3 flames coming out of the back, while I only have 2, I am wondering if hes using...
I noticed one of the things you got to do is stay in the middle of the track, and cut your corners and get back into the middle of the track. I...
Okay, something isnt right here, as I am looking at the top 10 score board, and I have all DX except air breaks +1 star, I see people are reaching...