Separate names with a comma.
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Happy belated Birthday! Hope you are still partying hearty!
I prefer the proper long hand of EDT - Eastern Dumb Time... or EST - Eastern Stupid Time... Never did like the Spring-back Fall-forward time...
I'll be there... Caspearious (US) | Dastardious (EU) | Jaspearious (JP)
I'll gladly help. The glades give out the fireworks item no matter whether you are the owner of the space or a guest to the space.
How is this game going to be even more ambitious adventure then what he did in GoW3 if this isn't a true sequel to GoW3?!? Lol... I wonder why...
Happy Birthday!自自自自o(^_^)o自自自自 (°٢°) => ( ゚ヮ゚) ̼⌂̺͛ᴖ̲̿ᴥ̲̿ᴖ̺͛⌂̼ => ヽ(´ー`)ノ ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪
Good luck to you in the competition!
Move along... nothing to see here... It's nothing... nothing *at* all. It's not us 31337 N1NJ4 LURK3Rs. Nope. It's just a trick of the...
I purposely held off of buying AC2 because I was waiting for a significant price drop or good used game price before I would try the game out....
I can help with LBP1 & LBP2 trophies (2 controllers means at least 3x sections). Also, I have a lot of experience with Portal 2 co-op trophies...
I had it favorited... but once they took it down, it was gone from my favorites list. I don't think you will have any luck finding anyone with it...
OMGolly! A t-shirt!!!!1! I wants me one!!!!!1!!!:/
Kimi is no ones punishment... and stop trying to hand her off like that to weird men and women. Well, except that one odd duck of a lurk3r d00d...
A few ideas...When you go to a section of rewards (Pot Noodle section for example), it may be cool if it were possible to have a link to a...
I agree, Hopper. AZ4 will be a distant memory when the new reward system comes into play here! :D
A non-flash version of the rewards items would be awesome... it would make it easier to link to certain sections as well (depending upon how the...
The 4 spaces that I know of in NA that are still around but not on the navigator are Minis space, Move space, Prius space, and the Burn Zombie...