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Demos on the UK store Continued BWAHAHA!!!Slam Bolt Scrappers (490) Snakeball (77) Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary (664) ?Spare Parts (905)...
Demos on the UK store ContinuedMotorstorm Apocalypse [Single Player] (1206) MotorStorm Pacific Rift (637) nail'd (1217) NHL 12 (1526)? No More...
Demos on the UK store continuedHeavy Rain (2385) Hoard (163) Homefront [MP demo] (1108) ?Hustle Kings (341) inFamous (1239) inFamous 2 (2613)...
Demos on the UK store continuedDead Space Ignition (1627) DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue (1295) Digger HD (49) Driver San Fransisco [SP] (1441)...
Demos on the UK store3 on 3 NHL Arcade (188) Age of Booty (45) Alien Breed 2: Assault (1367) Alien Breed 3: Descent (1684) Alien Breed: Impact...
$50 Red Dead Redemption GOTY saddling up in October[IMG] Rockstar Games? award-winning open-world Western Red Dead Redemption is getting a game...
LA Noire GOTY edition incoming ? rumor[IMG] We?re not quite sure the game?s won any such awards yet, but Rockstar and Team Bondi?s LA Noirewill...
Square Enix secures FF XIII-3 domain[IMG] Square Enix may be considering Final Fantasy XIII-3should a new domain registration be taken...
Assault Horizon demo coming to XBL/PSN[IMG] A demo for Ace Combat: Assault Horizonis hitting Xbox Live and PlayStation Network today in North...
Video posted on September 13th, 2011 Ratchet & Clank: A4O trailer goes solo A new trailer for Ratchet...
Meet The Deckers A new trailer for Saints Row: The Third's out in which we...
You Reap What You SowBesides trophies & achievements what replay value do games have nowadays? Why would i enjoy playing $60.00 per game (much...
On the question of what we'd be playing if there were no japanese gaming consoles available, i think the answer would be XBOX360 & Eww. I've had 4...