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$59.95 fluff and i can help by not helping ;D
Yea it was in na but got removed due to bugs and will return when it's fixed.
Last 2 rewards are on the 14th and 22nd. Posting this so no one will go everyday looking for one.This is from the email lw sentHeart Wreath...
Wait i'm guessing no one pick up on the hiding item in the soccer game ? Doesn't something in that game remind you of something maybe a movie ?...
Teach them how to do short and better maintenance and make it run better, in fact do it for them ;D .. They been doing a lot of long...
I don't know what veemee is thinking turning eu's games in apartments and having people buy them when the games are not good at all. I'll be at...
Wonder why ndreams is now advertising Espionage 9 and Los Penguini Brothers now when it's been of for awhile now guess they wasn't getting many...
Butterfly or Shimmer the magenta fairy ? Logs on home now to find out ;D If it's girlie it will match ndreams unicorn
Right before new years which is tonight had a earthquake so 2011 goes out a way to remember it before 2012. They said it was a 4.0 but felt like...
I'm pretty sure theres only 5 rewards for guest, I'm only saying this because after i got my 5th one i couldn't find any more icons no more and...
Ok so i'm guessing it's not coming on xmas so my second guess is new years and if i'm wrong then i don't know..
I'm Wondering when the mystery gift will pop-up, I'm guessing on Christmas day and one else think so to ?
I don't like the new orb colors hard to see plus i liked the dark space with the orbs.
You have to get all 10 items for the quest ? I never pick up the girls clothes and now they make you -.- .
Carla did a good job at this and Lockwood, they didn't have to do this giveaway but they was nice enough to do it and not everyone can get it..I...
And i'll borrow your card carla ;D.. The new xmas space looks good & new and different and has quest but im going to miss winter wonderland.I...
This looks great and naughty dog knows how to make great graphics.
What internet browser you using ? I had trouble but switched to EI and worked fine.Also thanks for posting thing darkan.Also here is a spare...
The snowflake reward is awesome.