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C.Birch submitted a new resource:Patch Notes 1.05/1.03 - PS4 Four Kings Casino update 1.05/1.03Hi all, The latest patch for Four Kings Casino...
Update 1.078New logo splash and loading icons Fixed an issue where you could not rejoin free poker if you were disconnected The game will now...
Best way to get a code right now is to join Hellfire Games newsletter and hope you get picked to get a code, they are sending codes out in batches...
Hi all,Now that the embargo as been lifted by Hellfire Games on the Beta of Big City Stories, we are now free to share with you a video preview...
I have been in from around the end of March if i recall right, but we also had a reset within that time when they made the stores live. Only gold...
Hope you enjoy it, just remember not to share and photos or video of it because we can still not do that if i recall. Also be sure to join the...
Update 1.076Fixed an issue with four color deck glasses not working in War. Inactivity timeout will now properly display in Poker. Various UI fixes
Update 1.075Various UI fixes Various Poker fixesKnown Issues:Four Color deck glasses do not work in War. Cards will not appear. While...
Best place would likely to be their own forums:
1) They have yet to confirm the rate that new content will come out, Nebula is made by one small company where Home had Sony's support and about...
Update 1.074Fixed some issues affecting poker Fixed some issues affecting the new UI Fixed an issue where a card would appear in VIP games when...
You are likely watching this thread, what means you get a email when it gets new replies.In top right of the thread will be a link to watch the...
Nope its not out yet and still not yet in beta.
Update 1.073Added Nobility Level 6 New Poker and Table animations Improved Poker rejoin on disconnection Major UI overhaul on all games (Please...
hi and welcome
Hi hi
Would not need a new TV for the Neo, it's very unlikely games would run at 4K and even if they did a normal HD would still work as the system...
C.Birch submitted a new resource:Patch Notes 1.09 - Patch notes for Atom UniverseThe following information below is the patch notes for...
From the start many have moaned about a updated system 3/4 years into the PS4 life span, but to me it's just like updating to a slim (PS1,2,3) but...