Separate names with a comma.
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I agree, but the designers never gave much thought about the time issue for personal spaces. Having both daytime and night time versions of the...
These years have been reskinned experimentations of personal spaces that we like or hate. Yet, much of these have failed to meet everyone's...
I was lucky to buy that daylight SeaClyff personal space long ago when I saved up, so at least I'll be getting the night version space for $4.99....
Dumb move you couldn't use wallpaper designs for it. Hope things would turn out better for Season 5.
Nice space! A good re-skin of the old Novus Prime Office Quarters. Does it give you the option to play the Novus Prime game for free, or do you...
If you're all wondering when Sony and Granzella are giving away the Money God rewards, it'll be on April 11th. Someone found out and PMed me on my...
We finally got the 240 Granzella ticket bundle, along with the free GZ gift machine, but alas it's marked as error. :p Hopefully, that'll be...
Yep, wish they could though, and with some added surprises into it. I've seen other Japanese articles about Granzella and pictures of CGI Kikai...
Baron, I thought it was another event going to be planned, but after watching it the second and third time around and what Faga had mentioned, it...
It's funny they mentioned about PS3 or PS4 games from them, but got nothing to show for it. Before I knew about Irem in Japan Home, I remembered...
So far, Granzella is concentrating on their GZ Gift Machine, so the idea for April Fools this year may be on hold, and if it is, it would likely...
Wow, it's so ridiculous to have just the one digit changed at the end of each PS Home item or a game from their PSN Store for that matter. I was...
Oh no! I fell through it like a blonde girl being told a joke on Monday and then laughing it off on Friday. :p Good one, Carla! XD (Should've...
Tsunade1224 gave me a head's up about Granzella's Twitter page, and their FB account about a possible Kikai video for this coming AFD event this...
Home coming to PS4 on December 2014! WOO HOO! Great news! ^^
Yeah, I did look at that, but sadly, I didn't use any translation site for it. I just browsed and saw something about using the iphone. Must be...
I guess GZ is in the middle of doing their gift giving machine rewards this coming update, and probably thinking of another April Fools event...
The only thing like about this update of gifts is the Obsidian personal space. The others are just stuff I'll decide for later or just plain crap,...
Did anyone see this before? There was a free PS Plus theme for the Kikai Machine Empire back in last December the 17th (click on the link for the...
Hopefully, this won't account to my second score all around, since I didn't get that glitch at all. Maybe then, some good luck will let me hit the...