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[IMG] A PS2 PS3 Castlevania with Sonia Belmont would be nice.
Is it me or is odd you'll find more female villains then female heroes. I saw this & thought it was interesting, [IMG] Astro Gir
You Can Thank AT&T and the Supreme Court for Sony's Anti-Class Action Terms of Servic[IMG] This is what encouraged Sony to include the...
Demon's Souls Multiplayer Will Stay Online Until at Least 2012[IMG] The online servers have been extended once again by Atlus. Yet again, Atlus...
PS3 Gets Battlefield 3 Expansions Early[IMG] Competitor Call of Duty offers its DLC first on Xbox 360. Electronic Arts has announced it's...
Former Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk Dev Neversoft Creating an FPS[IMG] Job listings at Neversoft's website have revealed the company is at work -- or...
lol well the picture is an artist concept however the was a hint at a DeadSpace3 & DeadSpace2 left sooooooooo much room to go beyond DeadSpace3...
VIDEO: First Clip of Animated "Batman: Year One" Animated "Catwoman" News...
UK Trailer for "Redline," as Well as Hints of When to Expect Red Hot Movie's North AmUK Trailer for "Redline," as Well as Hints of When to...
VIDEO: Batman: Arkham City's "Secrets of the Joker" [IMG] Fans of Bats' most eccentric villain...
lol naughty person you. I love the DOA series, hated the reversal system in DOA 4. I'm glad it's returning to PS3, i guess microsoft didn't throw...
XSEED Games Publishing "Grand Knights History"[IMG] Vanillaware's turn-based RPG comes to North America Developer Vanillaware has a special...
Welcome cestrada93 to :demonangel:
I'd say the number 1 most offensive bad habit in games is Spamming. DeadSpac2 multi-player is a perfect example. 1. Spamming because lack of...
I'd say games like Duke Nukem Marvel vs Capcom 3: FallOutNewVegas & alot of today's games i'm disappointed with. It's not because there bad...
That's not bad, makes me interested in buying it, it's better then paying $60 then paying monthly just to play it
Resident Evil 4 HD cheaper on PSN than it should be? in other words......RUN!!! RUN & BUY THAT CRAP BEFORE SONY REALISES WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!
Resident Evil 4 HD cheaper on PSN than it should be?[IMG] Don?t shoot us if you look and things have been changed, butResident Evil 4 HDhas...
Dead Space 3 logo, art spotted Let?s face it, more Dead Spaceis coming. Dead Space 2quickly outsold...
Epic not working on new Unreal game[IMG] Epic may well be more known for theirGears of Warfranchise these days than their Unreal Tournament...