Separate names with a comma.
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Granzella release some great stuff. I wish they would be kinder to item counts though, as they often release large sets of items which need to be...
Pottermore ID: PatronusMidnight6541 House: Gryffindor (despite my best efforts to be placed otherwise) I got past the sorting hat ceremony...
For tricky corner placements, change the room style to minimalist brick, place the item in the corner, then change the style back.
Especially if taking in out of the action district cut the lag down.
It's great! At first, the carpetting in the main courtyard flickered terribly but that seemed to disappear as an issue. I feel that this could...
In the EU? Really? That's great news!
I've been here a while but the account setup promises me +92% for making a thread here. So I have. I'm not new though.
It would be great if furniture layout saved per blueprint layout slot. Currently, I design an apartment, decorate it and then can't design any...
I predict that the PS4 will not support Home and that all our spending will be for nothing.
Home ideas in order of preference:1 - Prompt bug fixes 2 - A community team that responds 3 - The ability to create your own sub-folders for...
This concerned me too, as I'm currently decorating that one. I've fixed it though.Get a Sodium telepad and use the snap to spawn feature to...
I'd like an iPhone app that can pull up the database please. I hate walking to the PC for info. :)
It's like Trillian said, you hold the button to extend the arrow (but it's still really hard). So, just to check your issue, you are *holding*...