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Featured Should LKWD lower the LKWD Life points?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    So we all know that just before Home closed its stores Lockwood updated the Lockwood Life system with new levels and new rewards with 3 new personal spaces.

    The problem is with each new level the points needed to level up gets greater and even if you own every space and club, you're looking at 1 to 2 weeks to go up a level.

    Most people will not have the time to hit the levels needed to level up and most if they do will have very little time left to enjoy the spaces what would be a real shame and to be true a waste of Lockwoods time having made the spaces.

    So should Lockwood lower the points needed to level up out of good will and as a thank you to a community that supported and spent a lot of money on their items and helped them become the company they are today?

    Because truth be told, there's no money left to be made out of Lockwood Life with stores closing so why not show the community some good will and let them enjoy the final spaces you made faster and for a greater time.

    Be heard and vote in our poll above now!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      Well, since the Home Store closeed, people can't buy anything anyway.

      Come on, Lockwood, be generous to the home users, lower the life
      points to the users. or just let them get it for free.

      And there are only 3 months left, let the people enjoy their time in Home.

      One more thing, Merry Christmas.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Jjoseph105

        Jjoseph105 Member

        Dec 28, 2012
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        +0 /2
        I own a lot of Lockwood spaces and and items. I would so love those last 3 space rewards but with a busy real life right now I know I wouldn't earn them all by the end of Home, so YES - lower the points so we have a little time to enjoy them!
        • Agree Agree x 1
        • Rustbukkit

          Rustbukkit Sci-Fi Guy
          Valued Member

          Aug 9, 2011
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          #4 Rustbukkit, Dec 20, 2014
          Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
          No offense, but LKWD doesn't give a crap about you, me, or any other ghost on Home. They had the worst public/customer service of all the devs... not responding, banning people from posting for telling the truth about their refusal to answer questions or fix broken content, broken content left in the corner to rot and wither away like a discarded dog with a bum leg *cough* Mercia *cough* Sodium *cough cough*, etc. They were the top dev at one point for a year or two, but most people I know don't give a crap about them or their content anymore. For that matter, most users I know that even bother to log in don't give a crap about rewards or personal spaces at all now. I myself haven't spent time in a personal space since the day of the announcement, save for a half hour here or there, trying to escape loser wannabe hackers who learned from a tutorial how to get access to modding. As for LW Life, that's another thing I haven't bothered with since the announcement because with the time it took to get leveled up... who really cares anymore?

          Honestly, I would have given anything to see the look of utter shock and confusion on my face when I learned they added new content and that people were still wasting time running around spaces to get points for a soon-to-be-extinct social media platform. In fact, it's probably the same look I had on my face when the link to this post came up on my Facebook page.

          Seriously, is anyone even here anymore?

          Listen, I respect what YPShome and Alphazone4 have done for Home, and respect all that you have done Carla, as a promoter of personal spaces and items, sharing with us your videos to help guide us in making good and informed choices about content... but at this point with only a few months left, this kind of thing just feels like pouring salt in the wound.

          In my personal opinion, the moment they shut down sales, every single thing on Home should have been made free to download as a token of thanks for all the money, time, and dedication so many people made to making it a fun and safe environment for people to hang out and socialize in. As for Lockwood and anything they touch from here on in, they can tank for all I care. They lost all my respect ages ago when they treated me like my money and support didn't make a difference to their success.

          Now, if you'll excuse me... real life is calling me back to it. It's a pretty cool place actually. It has sights, sounds, and smells that are ever changing, and offers something new and unique every single day. I highly recommend a healthy dose of it. ^_^
        • merri-1

          merri-1 Member

          Jul 9, 2013
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          +0 /1
          Actually there are quite a few of my friends and i that are still doing the xp run daily,its a get together as much as anything else so we have a good chat at the end appt (dream adventure) waiting for jelly fish etc. I asked Lkwd if they would be dropping the amount of xp needed for levelling as i for one have no chance of making it to level 30, sadly the response was..they have no plans to change it :( Come on Lkwd even veemee tweaked the park to allow users to gain acorns, i was also shocked they didn't make all the items in the gift machine free or a least half price :/
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Arsenal 8

            Arsenal 8 New Member

            Aug 12, 2014
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            I don't think lkwd can lower the points system now it's closed. When I spoke with digital leisure about giving us more of a chance to win chips in free daily spin at casino they said we can't change nothing sorry cause can't change something about the code system login so it will be the same for lkwd aswell
          • ReccaWolf

            ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

            Jan 16, 2011
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            +89 /13
            I honestly would like them to have it lowered a lot. I'm near level 18 now, but then I would have to spend another 4 weeks to reach level 20. I've heard from Clawbone that levels 20-30 does give you a week to finish each level, but seriously not everyone has the time to make trips everyday like this. Most of them get bored real quick.

            Now that we don't have any boost items to buy, we should have them lowered until March ends.
          • redrumblefish

            Sep 10, 2011
            Likes Received:
            +2 /0
            I have asked LKWD a few times to change the xp system or at least tweak it so we can get more xp. This was their reply," ".
          • HomeTruths

            HomeTruths New Member

            Feb 18, 2014
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            Yes, Rustbukkit. You are.
          • HomeTruths

            HomeTruths New Member

            Feb 18, 2014
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            Because Lockwock can't make any more money out of Home, I don't think they will lower the LKWD XP. To do this requires a programmer to alter files & upload them to Home. That takes time. Why would they bother? Out of the generosity of their heart? They are probably struggling to survive; they don't have time for LKWD Life anymore. Look at the way VeeMee walked away the moment Home's closure was announced. They moved on immediately.
            I was surprised that Lockwood updated the Redeeminator with new rewards after the announcement. The items must have been ready & a few staff members pleaded with their managers to give them a few hours to update. But I will be very surprised if Lockwood devote another minute to Home. (I hope I am surprised).
          • Torag

            Torag Active Member

            Sep 4, 2012
            Likes Received:
            +2 /0
            They were great before the announcement, at this stage, you are right, something wrong happen there, they have become much less community minded, and it is sad, really sad, especially after they promised to make the last several months of home into a "Real celebration".
            This is really wrong, if you ask me, there is still Avakin out there, and with all honestly, Lockwood, still needs our support.
            I do not agree with your statement that they are terrible though, something bad, indeed happened there, but I can easily point at least couple of developers, which are much worse than them.
          • Adrian

            Adrian Well-Known Member

            Sep 26, 2012
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            +26 /5
            Definitely, I am in Home every day... even sneaking in now when I shouldn't, but I know I'm not going to manage to get enough lkwd life points :( frustrating
          • ReccaWolf

            ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

            Jan 16, 2011
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            +89 /13
            #13 ReccaWolf, Jan 1, 2015
            Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
            First of all, they should've made these rewards free to all after they had to fix their sever issue, otherwise they would've listen to everyone's request about having free buyable permanent boosts for the LKWD Life run-around. Secondly, they should never have tried this "buy our items" gimmick, because a) we didn't know what items to get until it was announced by Lockwood near the very last day of Home shops (from which we pleaded with them weeks in advance) and b) it was the worst kind of insult ever in the history of Home.

            It's not like they followed Hellfire's gift machine and Home Tycoon & Novus Prime bundle slash prices for more money. Moreover, it was like a desperate way to squeeze more money out of us until after buying the items where we had a 50/50 chance if the items we bought were boosts or not when we visit the Dream Central space.

            Honestly, Lockwood should've stopped at level 20 and stayed that way.
          • Adrian

            Adrian Well-Known Member

            Sep 26, 2012
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            +26 /5
            As an aside, I am level 102 in Acorn park, not relevant per se except to say that Veemee have been good enough to just add a trippler to the points, so we get more points, lkwd could give us 30 points for finding the gecko etc.
          • ReccaWolf

            ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

            Jan 16, 2011
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            +89 /13
            I might do Acorn Park next time after LKWD Life, or I may not. I do want to play more Playstation Hold 'Em and other games that I wanted to do before. :p
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