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Featured Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, May 21, 2012.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    If you have been on YPSH for a time, you know I have had the pleasure of interviewing many of Home's developers. This time around, it's a bit special. This time, I get to chat with two friends. Both of whom I've had the pleasure of associating with through PS Home and now they are announcing something very special.

    YPSH : Today I am especially happy to welcome back an old friend, Peter de Jong, CEO of Codeglue and an even older friend from PS Home and a YPSH member, Dani (Danikaa-G). Welcome to you both!

    Dani : Thank you Karen

    Peter : Thanks Karen

    YPSH : So let's start off by announcing the first part of the big news. Dani has launched a new business venture. Tell us what it is Dani.

    Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!, kwoman32, May 21, 2012, 9:21 PM,, jpg, U-LOVE-GREEN_LOGO_PRINT_big_300-dpi.jpg

    Dani : Last December, I launched U Love Green, a new brand of ethical and organic clothing, that specializes in lingerie, all made in Quebec (Canada) and all of my own designs. A brand that is a healthier choice for consumers and for mother nature.

    YPSH : So you launched your company, U Love Green, and are selling your own clothing designs. How exciting! Where do we go if we want to buy your clothing designs?

    Dani : The clothing line is available online at the U Love Green web site boutique (

    YPSH : On to the second half of the big news! Peter, I understand Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!, kwoman32, May 21, 2012, 9:21 PM,, jpg, Codeglue_Logo_Final[1].jpg Codeglue is partnering with U Love Green?

    Peter : That’s correct. And I must thank you for that Karen, because you were the one to introduce us to Dani! After Dani told us she was starting up a new business around her own clothing designs (which look great btw!) and after telling us about the eco-friendly concept, we were easily sold on doing a PS Home version as well.

    YPSH : How cool! So we not only can buy the real designs on U Love Green's web site, but we now get to buy them for our wardrobe in PS Home as well!

    Peter : Yup! :)

    Dani : Now Playstation Home users can dress their avatars with U Love Green’s clothes. The same ones that they can buy for themselves.

    YPSH : Dani, tell us how this all started. You were a Web and graphic designer, a conceptor and webmaster. Tell us about that.

    Dani : Yes. With my first business, I worked with many artists, and with health and beauty businesses. Driven by inspiration, all my projects were great opportunities to create and have new challenges !

    YPSH : You also designed logo and packaging for the cosmetics business correct?

    Dani : Yes, that’s correct. On the one hand I assumed virtual projects and on the other hand, I created many packaging projects. It’s fun to imagine new ways to present products with different kinds of packaging.

    Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!, kwoman32, May 21, 2012, 9:21 PM,, jpg, U-LOVE-GREEN_CODEGLUE_web-poster_JESSICA_small.jpg

    YPSH : So what inspired you to design a clothing line?

    Dani : At first, I like to say that it was a little girl’s dream… ;-) Second, I love to design and create new concepts! But, especially, I wanted more natural and specific products to meet my needs. So I decided to create them!

    I’m proud to address style, nature, and comfort issues in the same article of clothing. And the fabric is so soft… I can’t tell you !

    YPSH : So then you had these ideas, but how did you get them on paper and finally to manufacturing?

    Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!, kwoman32, May 21, 2012, 9:21 PM,, jpg, u-love-green_eco-chic-2012_black-dress.jpg

    Dani : I worked pretty hard ! It tooks me 2 years from the first idea to the final products. I collaborated with many passionate people from Montreal who worked with me to manufacture the textile and the line.

    YPSH : So "eco-friendly" and "organic" is the whole idea behind U Love Green. Tell us exactly what that means.

    Dani : I wanted an eco and natural line because there are too many synthetic textiles on the market. And synthetic is not the best. It keeps a high level of moisture and this is not what an article of clothing should do.

    Natural fiber allows the skin to fully breathe. Natural fiber is also known for its antibacterial qualities. Organic fabric is better for the environment and also better for personal comfort and health.

    I also wanted products that can all be made in my town, from the textile to the final products. This way, I encourage my local economy and I avoid the pollution resulting from long distance transport. I wanted to be part of this eco-business model.

    YPSH : After seeing your creations, I have to say I love them! Congratulations on bringing your ideas and the business to life!

    Dani : Thank you Karen !

    YPSH : I assume since Dani is a PS Home user, it was only logical that she would want to see virtual copies in Home. Then Dani contacted Codeglue. What made Codeglue decide to take on the task of creating Dani's line for PS Home?

    Peter : I think there’s a few reasons we chose to work together with Dani. First, like you said, she is a PS Home use herself. We thought it must be cool to have your self designed clothes in PS Home. Being able to help with that was just the thing to do. And after having talked to Dani, I think we clicked well. Dani is starting up a business and she has a lot of drive of making her business a success. I like to see that in a person, so we decided to work together.

    Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!, kwoman32, May 21, 2012, 9:21 PM,, jpg, U-LOVE-GREEN_CODEGLUE_2012-05_promo-picture_dress.jpg

    YPSH : Now we get to see Dani's creations in Home as well as in real life. Will the U Love Green line be available in all regions of PS Home?

    Peter : Yes it will. It will first be released in SCEA, SCEE and SCEAsia. The SCEJ release will follow a little later.

    NOTE : The U Love Green release in EU has been postponed until Wed., May 30th.

    YPSH : Dani, you're in Montreal, Quebec and Peter is in the Netherlands. You collaborated over a long distance! How long did it take both of you to get the project done from end to end?

    Peter : It took us a couple of months from getting acquainted to the final release in PS Home.

    Dani : This partnership shows that there is no limit to working together over long distances. I have to say, it was a pleasure to collaborate with Peter and I want to thank the artists from Codeglue. I think they have done amazing work to turn U Love Green clothes into a virtual collection ! J

    YPSH : Dani, you have started off with a few different items. Give us an overview of all U Love Green currently has to offer.

    Dani : The collection is offering more articles on the real line : one-shouldered top, dress, cami, boy short and thong. There is 3 colors available: natural beige, black and green. You can all discover them on the Website of U Love Green.

    Exclusive : Ypsh Member & Ps Home User, Danikaa-g Brings Her Clothing Designs To Ps Home This Week!, kwoman32, May 21, 2012, 9:21 PM,, jpg, U-LOVE-GREEN_CODEGLUE_web-poster_BUNDLES.jpg

    YPSH : Peter and Dani, run down for us what items will be available in PS Home. Are there any seperates? Bundles?

    Dani : We propose the one-shouldered top and the dress in black and green. Also, you will find other clothing items for Home as well, such as some accessories like jewels, heels and hair.

    As a Playstation Home user, I know that everyone prefer separated items so they can mix and match clothes. Peter agreed with me on this. We also thought that it was a great idea to offer bundles.

    Peter : I think Dani just answered this question. :) But I must also thank her for the insights she provided on having all the items as separate items as well and not just bundles. We would probably have chosen not to do so otherwise!

    YPSH : So where do we go from here? More real creations for U Love Green? More virtual ones from Codeglue?

    Dani : I think this is the beginning of an amazing adventure ! The future will show you what’s coming next J

    Peter : I totally agree with Dani here. ;)

    YPSH : I can't tell you how cool I think it is that Dani, a Home user has turned clothing designer and that Codeglue is partnering with her to create her wonderful designs for us in PS Home. I'm sure we will all be scooping them up in PS Home! Thank you both for letting YPSH announce your new venture! Best of luck to you both!

    Dani : Thanks to you Karen ! Yourpshome is doing a really great job ! !

    Peter : Exactly my feeling! Thanks Karen! Good luck with YourPSHome!


    Vote for U Love Green :

    Dani was honored this month in Montreal, by winning the regional level of the Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest, in the Category of Commerce. A last public category is now collecting votes : « Coup de cœur du public » You can vote for Dani and U Love Green here : CQE

    On June 20th, the finals for the national level of the contest will be in Quebec City. We would like to say « Good luck » to her !
  2. Heavyn

    Heavyn ~The big and the bad~
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    Jan 15, 2011
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    can't wait to purchase the green bundle :eek:
  3. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Go green Elmo!

    Claire gets Green, Joanna gets Black and I can't wait for additional stuff from her line over time. Here is her website link. You can buy these clothes in real life too!

    u love green - ethical and organic lingerie
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Check out the items up close in this video below :)
  5. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Wow congrats Dani. XD
  6. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Congrats Dani! ;D. Im looking forward to buying the green bundle, I love your designs, continue to make more on the way!
  7. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
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    Jan 16, 2011
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    Great to see not only more clothes based on real clothes but based on ones designed by an actual Home user, congrats Dani ;D and another great interview too.
  8. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Congrats to you Dani--best of luck with your business!
  9. ixarix

    ixarix Prince of guides.

    Mar 16, 2012
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    This is awesome article congrats Dani. All the best.
  10. ZeroRyoko

    ZeroRyoko Bad Sailor Girl

    Jan 10, 2011
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    I am so amazed by how Dani has gotten her real line of clothes into PS Home. Codeglue really went above and beyond with bringing her creations to us in home. It's also wonderful to see something new and exctiting as well as the message that ULoveGreen also sends with their clothing. I cannot wait to get the bundles once they hit this week and also look forward to seeing what may come from Dani in the future not only in home but also in her real fashions as well.
  11. kricky31

    kricky31 Rayman's #1 Fan

    Mar 23, 2010
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    Can't wait to try these on, I bet they are virtually the softest pixels ever! Great interview!
  12. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Check out the video of the interview in full and if you like count Karens typeos :p
  13. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Congratulations Dani! And Great Job On Another Interview Karen ;) .. This Line Is Really Cute! I Want The Off The Shoulder Tops :p

    I Will Definitely Get One Of The Bundles .. Most Likely Black :eek:
  14. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Dani's story is one PlayStation Home should be proud of.
  15. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    well i think because best clothes ever but since Gw asskisser didn't get dibs didn't mention on the blog is what i think Best clothes in home so cute ^_^ was supirse eu didnt mention either thou :/
  16. Mika40

    Mika40 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    I had to watch the interview again just missing home but Congrats to Miss Dani for getting into this market this opens the door for me and other women who love home to design clothes for this wonderful platform of gaming I will shoyld my support by wearing the black dress very nice I like:)
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