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Ypsh & The Home Decorators Guild Bring You " Home Cribs "

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

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    #1 kwoman32, Dec 17, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
    Ypsh & The Home Decorators Guild Bring You " Home Cribs ", kwoman32, Dec 17, 2013, 6:58 PM,, png, ypsh logo 5th.png As our 5th birthday celebration continues, we are pleased to announce the creation of a new section to YPSH that we hope you will like and take advantage of. In collaboration with The Home Decorators Guild, YPSH presents "Home Cribs".

    We recently introduced to you "The Dressing Room" for PS Home fashionistas to post and show-off their creations and ideas. Utilizing a feature we added called the "Showcase", it allows everyone to post photos, videos, list the contents used and post discussions about their post all in one place.

    Now, we take that same concept and create "Home Cribs". A place for all to post their videos and photos of their PS Home Personal Space decorations and discuss them as well as ask questions and get ideas.

    Ypsh & The Home Decorators Guild Bring You " Home Cribs ", kwoman32, Dec 17, 2013, 6:58 PM,, jpg, cribs.jpg

    So who better to moderate this new section and oversee it than The Home Decorators Guild.

    Ypsh & The Home Decorators Guild Bring You " Home Cribs ", kwoman32, Dec 17, 2013, 6:58 PM,, png, HDG-LOGO-crop-sm1.png

    The board of the HDG is all about decorating. Their board will be moderating Home Cribs as well as a separate area called "The Home Decorators Guild" where you can ask questions, kick around ideas and discuss anything related to decorating and the HDG. To get it started, they have already posted a couple of "cribs" and so you get to know the HDG, here's a little discussion we had with them. .....

    YPSH : With us is boxer_lady (aka Boxie); VickyTheVampire (aka Vicky); Gilgamesh680 (aka Gil) and Slavidon (aka Slav). Welcome to all of you and welcome to YPSH!

    Boxie : Thank you, we're glad to be here!

    Vicky : Thank you! it's a pleasure to be here.

    Gil : Thank you and Hello to all of the YPSH members and guests.

    Slav: Hello and Greetings to all my fellow Home citizens.

    YPSH : Let me start off by asking who started the HDG and what was the original idea behind it?

    Boxie : I came up with the original idea after becoming interested in decorating spaces in Home and wanting to become more inspired. I'd been interested in starting a deco club first, and had mentioned it to many of my friends, but wasn't sure how much time I would be able to invest in it since I am disabled. I joined a deco club that had just started and the more I saw how others decorated and loved it, the more I started thinking about how many people were in Home and how many more deco clubs Home needed.

    But how to get the deco clubs joined as one so we could have events and things to get more people interested in decorating was what I was trying to figure out. My mother is an organist and she's always been very involved in the American Guild of Organists, so I just thought I could create a guild for Home decorators. That way I could encourage others to create deco clubs and we could inspire others.

    I shared this idea with my good friend Dlyrius and she and I became the original co-founders of the Home Decorator Guild. I didn't realize how much work there would actual be in running a Guild! LOL But I'm glad that I decided to create the guild and bring decorators together. We are like a big family!

    Vicky : It was boxies original idea, though I was involved in another deco club for a while.

    Gil : Boxie was one of the originators of the HDG.

    Slav : It was Boxie's idea from the beginning. She heard me making snarky comments at a film festival in a PsHome theater, we friended each other and I said I like to decorate...and I've been moving heavy furniture ever since. :) I've been around HDG since its beginning...on the creative side of things doing what I love... Decorating.

    YPSH : How long ago was that?

    Boxie : Actually, it's funny because the YPSH anniversary is this month too, but it was one year ago in December. We are celebrating our one year anniversary this month too!

    Vicky : A year and I can't believe it has all gone so fast!

    Slav : Many updates ago :)

    YPSH : How many people were originally in HDG back then and what has it grown to today?

    Boxie : We started out with 3 board members; myself, Dlyrius and CameraCat, and I believe we started out with approx. 6 members.

    Today we have 8 NA deco clubs and one EU club, consisting of approx. 175 total members.

    Vicky : It started with 3 board members. Then later myself and daysainya were asked to join.

    YPSH : Is HDG just in one region?

    Boxie : Currently we have the HDG in NA, in which we include all time zones. And we also have a EU club who's leader is VickyTheVampire.

    Vicky : No we cover EU too. There is a dedicated EU Club for that region, although ALL regions are welcome to attend.

    Gil : HDG's members are from all over.

    YPSH : HDG is made up of smaller individual clubs, correct?

    Boxie : Yes, the HDG is made up of many small individual deco clubs. We want to keep the clubs fairly small because of friends list issues. The HDG has EST, CST and PST clubs in order to accommodate people in different time zones.

    Gil : Yes, the individual clubs associate with the HDG to promote our mutual interests.

    YPSH : About how many of them are there now?

    Boxie : Currently the HDG has 10 deco clubs. Many of the clubs are looking for new members, and some are currently on hiatus. My club, BoxieCats is currently so full, with over 50 members, that we have had to temporarily close membership and have created an "overflow" club on another night to accommodate more members!

    Vicky : We have now 9 clubs in all, including the EU one.

    YPSH : So these clubs meet on their own to tour their own creations?

    Boxie : Yes, we have a set of standard guidelines for each club that we hand out, but each club leader decides on what days of the week and time they want to meet. Some clubs also have a decorating theme, such as "Goth" or "Horror." Then each club gathers it's members together and they tour one of each of the members spaces.

    Gil : Each club has a scheduled time to meet on the HDG master calendar. The club's members attend those meetings to both show their spaces and tour other's spaces. This is a great way to get new decorating ideas, and to make new friends who have similar interests.

    Slav : Sure do... You are sure to find the best match for yourself that way.

    YPSH : Do they ever get together in one big group?

    Boxie : We have had some HDG events where we have gathered together, and we do plan in the future to have different clubs get together and have tours with one another's clubs for some diversity. It is important to keep seeing new spaces in order to keep the creative juices flowing!

    Vicky : Yes the the first of each month all club leaders meet together to welcome new members wanting to join the guild and to tell them a bit more about what each club does and the there times, so they are able to choose which one suits them best.

    Gil : LOL... the membership is large, and we do have the same limitations on numbers within public and private spaces on PS Home as anyone else, so we could not all meet at the same time within Home. Instead, we occasionally sponsor events that allow members to come and go during the period of the event, and we split groups into smaller numbers to facilitate touring and contests. That way we can have more people participating.

    YPSH : As The HDG is made up of these smaller clubs, what does a goup of interesred users do to start their own club and join the HDG?

    Boxie : If there is someone interested in creating a deco club, we ask that they have the one person that is the leader of the club contact one of our HDG board members (boxer_lady, VickyTheVampire, Slavidon or Gilgamesh680) to set up a meeting. At that meeting we discuss what goals they have as a deco club. We want to insure that they have the same goals the HDG does, and that they agree with our philosophy, which is; All deco ideas are to be shared with others. We also insist members of our club always be encouraging to other decorators as we feel that everyone's individual style is important in its own right.

    If there is someone that is interested in joining a deco club; whether it is a club that they are familiar with or if they are just looking for one to join, we have them come to one of our monthly Meet & Greet's. Our M & G's are the first Saturday of each month, and all of our deco club leaders and HDG board members attend. We greet any new member, or prospective members and the HDG board describes what the HDG is all about. Then each leader tells them about their own individual deco club, such as the days and times they meet, and if they have any theme. This gives the prospective member(s) an idea of our different clubs and enables them to have an idea of which club might be the best fit for them. We send them off after the meeting with a flyer that includes all the clubs names, leaders names and other pertinent information about our clubs and ask them to contact the club leader, of the club they are interested in, to advise them they wish to join.

    Vicky : Normally we would invite them to a meeting with our board, so we can sit down and talk to them about there club and then tell them about how the guild works, and some of the rules and guidelines we all follow.

    Gil : First, anyone interested in the benefits of the HDG should contact one of us Board Members. We can go over the advantages of affiliation and setup the group as a Club at the Guild when they meet some simple eligibility rules. We have high standards for our Club Leaders so that the quality of membership is maintained.

    YPSH : I'd like to ask each of you to tell us how long you have been on Home and what attracted you to the HDG.

    Boxie : I've been on Home for 4 years this March. I really enjoy decorating Home spaces, sharing my deco ideas with others, and creating new friendships with others in Home with similar interests.

    Vicky : I have been on home about five years now. I knew boxie through a previous deco club we both belonged to which ended after about a year, a while after that, boxie apporached me and told me about her idea for HDG.

    Gil : I have only been on Home for about 16 months, and I bet that is considered a short tenure. LOL.. But I was immediately fascinated by the capability of decorating Home spaces, along with the gaming, entertainment and social aspects. I began to read the official Forums regularly and noticed an item about the HDG. It sounded like something I would enjoy; touring other's spaces and meeting new people. I contacted Boxie.. and here I am today, leading a Guild club and serving on the Board. The HDG's activities continue to exceed my expectations; it is a quality program with wonderful people.

    Slav : Over three years on home and HDG is just a bigger scale of what I've always done... Getting great ideas from friends.

    YPSH : This brings us to why we are here, the creation of Home Cribs. A place for everyone (not just HDG members) to show us their decorating ideas. A place where you can post videos or photos of your creations and discuss them. We're excited about it and even more so that the HDG is partnering with us to bring this unique creation to the Community. I'm personally looking forward to seeing everyone's ideas. I see some of you have already started! What do you think aboput Home Cribs so far?

    Boxie : I love this idea!! It is a way to bring more decorators together with more decorating ideas. We also hope that it will bring more people to join the HDG as there is nothing quite like seeing a space in real time, nor the friendships we form as a deco club members!

    Vicky : I think it is a fantastic idea and can only expand premote the love of what we do.

    Gil : Well,the Cribs reflects my total impression of the YPSH website and goals.. I see people sharing ideas and information about their favorite pastimes. All of the Home capabilities are here.. fashion, decorating and having fun!

    Slav : I'm really digging the format of Home Cribs. I've used YPSH as a resource for years so now to be a part of it by contributing content for other Home lovers is awesome.

    YPSH : I'd like to remind everyone that there is also a Home Decorators Guild discussion thread to post any questions anyone might have on the HDG or anything related to PlayStation Home Personal Space Decorating. I'm looking forward to seeing this project take flight. I think it's good for the HDG; good for YPSH and good for the Home Community. I hope everyone takes the time to check it out and ask questions about it. I also posted a turtorial on how to post your creations. Thanks HDG and welcome!

    Boxie : We are so excited about this venture with YPSH and look forward to meeting and working with everyone! Please contact any of the HDG board members, or deco club leaders, if you are interested in attending a M & G and joining a deco club!

    Vicky : Yes please feel free to ask for anything and we will do our best to answer or help however we can.

    Gil : And my thanks to YPSH for enabling us to contribute to the work that you do so well. Hope to see anyone interested in decorating online!

    Slav : Thank You. Anyone can feel free to message me with any questions... I will help anybody work with what they have to make a place they are proud to show off.

    • Informative Informative x 1
    • avilesc

      avilesc 8Bit Gamer

      May 23, 2011
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      I think I have run into this guild a couple times. Glad to see them helping out!
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
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      Mar 21, 2012
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      Welcome to the site, look forward to seeing what the community comes up with, with your help and support.
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