Hi all, Some of you might have seen that we have been removing the very old personal space & items reviews system and been setting up a new showcase system. I'm happy to say that we have now fully moved over all the personal space data to the new system. We would like to ask users to please make reviews and to rate items, because doing so really not only helps the community it also highlights to the Home dev's what you the users of Home like or dislike so they may make better spaces & items. Showcase | YourPSHome.net - Your PlayStation Home Community Anyway, here he some details about what is new with the Showcase. Better designFully tied into the core siteTabbed contentGalleryLikesSocial ShareReport ItemDesign The design as been made to make information more clear, why at same time keeping a common feel across the site. Fully tied into the core site The Showcase system is now a full part of the sites core coding, this means showcase items will be found and listed on the sites main share, as well as supporting the sites alerts system and so on. Tabbed Content No one likes a big long page of information, so we have split the information up in to area and put them under tabs to make viewing the information clear, fast & easy. Gallery On the old system we had a limit of 9 images for a listing, now we will be able to add many more images to each listing to better give you a idea of the space/item. Likes Users can now 'like' a listing or 'like' a users review. Social Share Users can now share a listing to there social network pages for Facebook, Twitter & Google+ Report Item You can now report a item, this is handy to point out any mistakes or old information you come across and will help use keep the system up to date. The Showcase system is not just about personal spaces, we will also be adding listings for Active Items, Locomotion items, Arcades, Club Houses & more, but right now our main aim as been on the personal spaces. We our to as far as i know the only site to bring the Home user a full listing of personal spaces that comes with images, our own video tours and full information from all regions of home and with the new system we have also started to make floor plans for spaces so you can see just where you can hang items and so on.