Hi all, I'm pretty sure if your reading this you have seen the sites edited design that was added last night to the live site, Some of you might be thinking its more just a recolor than a new design. But in fact its a total new design, that's been designed to be Responsive. Ok now I'm sure your asking what that means, so the point of this thread is to tell you about just that, plus show you via a video. A Responsive design means that the site will auto re-size itself and edit parts of its design and menu system to best fit in with your screen size, this means the same design works on a PC and also a smart phone by auto resizing it's self, you can see how this works via the below video. Last up i would like to ask for the community feedback on this, because without your views & ideas i can only go about doing what i think is best for the site & that does not always match whats best for the community On a small side note, some areas of the site will not display right on the smaller sizes, this is because they are not really meant to be displayed on small screens.
:thumbsup: smart phone version working great for me, much easier to see and read everything without the need to zoom in and out etc.
Nicely done, now I can resize my window without having to mess about with it just to see chat while looking at stuff in another window :thumbsup:
Happy you like so far, I have a few little things to edit, like not being able to access the info pages when it goes smaller and goes to quick nav. But saying that them pages are mostly table basic info when hard to get to resize.
Right now the sites release dates pages do not support the new responsive design, but I'm working on fixing this. You might also seen a new system pop up on the menu called resources, so far i have moved the game guides to this system that supports the new design. I have also started to add back the Home patch notes pages to the new resources system, but I'll talk more about that system at a later date in it's own thread
I'm enjoying the new features on my iPad and pc chrome browsers. Sofar no problems. I think you did a great job.
does this page work ok? http://www.yourpshome.net/pages/Personal_Spaces_Release_Dates/ When it gets smaller should get a + icon in front of name that if you click opens the other data up below it.