Today's the day where you sit back watch your neighbors think about how many beers it takes to hold a cherry bomb in their hand on the count of a dare. You watch & laugh as 3fingers & a thumb go flying & they run around drunk yelling OH $#@# OH $#@#!! That's when u get up walk over & beat the dog $%^& out of em for bleeding all over ur yard & think to urself IT'S GOOD TO BE AN AMERICAN!! Happy 4th mother smurfers, enjoy & KEEP OFF MY GRASS Post your favorite characters celebrating independence day HERE'S THE CATCH BWAHAHA!!! No pictures of characters who's regular uniform already represents independence day, no captain american, patriot etc. BWAHAHA!!!
Does Captain Spaulding count? He owns a patriotic hat after all and is definitely a favourite character of mine. Somebody even bought me a bobblehead of him which is proudly displayed in my lounge.