This thread is to post your free items and rewards from X7. Post your findings here. To get it started, I am told there is a free item in the store there and one reward for playing the "flirting game". Post away!
Flirting game reward: Crown (Male) Tiara (female) Free store item: Bottle Service "Bring a touch of class back to your own space with this bottle service tray" X7 bundle Volume 1 $0.99: Animated Horse, Animated Hamster on Wheel, Animated Snake in terrarium, Animated rabbit, Active item- animated cow and active item- animated goat Early access store items: Midas Reactive defense system (bundle $3.99, headpiece 0.99, chest 0.99, legs 0.99, gloves 0.99 and shoes 0.99) (male and female available) Obsidian Bladewalker Suit (male, 9.99) Ion Stream power Armour (male, 2.99) Obsidian Throwing star (hand item that goes on avatars back, male, female, 1.99) Sword Claws (hand item, male, female, 1.49 ) Raptor Dagger (hand item, male, female, 1.49) Gatling Gun arm (hand item, male, female, 1.49) Oversized Shuriken (hand item, male, female, 1.49) Ammo Belts (Male, 0.99) Lady Death Scythe (animated hand item that goes on back, female, 1.49) Grenade top (female, 0.99)
not only that, theres a vip lounge inside the vip club, theres a section unless you own the whole mansion, diamond and gold suits or ultimate diamond bundle you cant get in there
Why on earth would they do that? Totally unfair.[/QUOTE] why to make you buy more or to reward the more exclusive collector depending on your point of view
Please keep the thread on its core subject. As of now the flirt game as a bug, where if you do the kiss action the game sometimes kicks you out the game what means you lose any points you earnes in the sitting and have to reload the space, so its best to not do the kiss action and now and then exit and enter game again to make sure your points are saved.
Flirting game reward: Crown (Male) Tiara (female) At 25,000 Points Free store item: Bottle Service X7 bundle Volume 1 (0.99) Incudles: Animated Horse, Animated Hamster on Wheel, Animated Snake in terrarium, Animated rabbit, Animated cow and active Animated goat Early access store items: Midas Reactive defense system Bundle ($3.99) for whole outfit or separated piece are as folllows: headpiece (0.99) chest (0.99) legs (0.99) gloves (0.99) and shoes (0.99) (male and female) Obsidian Bladewalker Suit (male) (9.99) Ion Stream Power Armour (male) (2.99) Obsidian Throwing star (hand item that goes on back) (male and female) (1.99) Sword Claws (hand item) (male and female) (1.49) Raptor Dagger (hand item) (male and female) (1.49) Gatling Gun arm (hand item) (male and female) (1.49) Oversized Shuriken (hand item) (male and female) (1.49) Lady Death Scythe (animated hand item that goes on back) (female) (1.49) Grenade top (female) (0.99) Ammo Belts (Male) (0.99) Added picture ^_^
O.k, so now we come to it, NA Home is getting more to be like EU Home and carrying the same games and spaces. The first thing I thought, when I saw X7 was, that we would have a place for plus members to hang out in and win some cool prizes like the EU plus club. So much for thinking, everything that comes out seems to be a pay to use in NA Home, so now I ponder, if we get the Audi space in NA Home...will we pay for playing, to get the apartment, or will we pay for power ups to launch the car high enough? Please don't get me wrong, I buy lots of things, in all regions. I just like the rewards too, for completing certain tasks, and it would be nice to see them stay the same in all regions. 8)
If you look very closely, you'll notice the employees of X7 are all related because they all have the same face.
lol seen plenty of clones in home but they usually wear red sweat pants, gloves and ear phones that just sit on they ears, usually the text bubbles clone as well