I'm just wondering when is the Winter Vacation Villa supposed to be available. Ever since I watched the Video tour posted by C. Birch (thank you once again), I've been chomping at the bit, waiting for it to be realeased, so I can go and buy it. It looks awesome, and although there are rumors that it could cost more than your standard person space due to it supposedly coming with it's own furniture, I'll still buy it regardless. Are the developers still working out any possible kinks so they can be sure it won't go through the same problems that the UFC personal space is apparently STILL having? Not to mention the mechjet suits that were introduced well after news of this space and yet they're already available now. Please understand I'm NOT upset or anything, just anxious I guess. I'm sure I'm not the only one excited about this latest space.
i think it is in the same boat as the alien casino. the official answer to your question remains ""stay tuned..." - Locust_Star
As most of you know there's a public space version of Winter Villa still in the works which will be accessible to all for tour, I'm not sure when exactly that is due but its coming. As for the Winter Villa itself they've yet to give a release date. Also mentioning the Alien Casino, it failed another Q&A thus its been delayed a little longer. They're now saying 8/4 but I wouldn't get your high hopes just in case it doesn't make it, it'll save the disappointment. They're working on it as best as they can to make sure once it launches that its perfect (although we all know by now most spaces come with plenty of bugs the first time they're released)
I really appreciate that update, as I'm sure everyone else who'll read this will agree. I didn't even know there was a public version of this space in the works (damn! I'm just behind on the times apparently). I guess in this case, delayed news is better than nothing at all. At least we know they're working on it. IMO, If they need time to work out whatever bugs are present in order for the finished version to be perfect, then by all means, let them take their time. Again, thanks.
I Wonder If They Start Doing Things Like Public Space Version Of Upcoming Spaces .. Wont That Cancel Out The Point Of Being An HCV ? I Know HCVs Do Way More Than Give Tours Only .. Just Wondering .. :: As For The Winter Villa, SOON.
Tours will always be ongoing even with these new public space versions of apartments. The only apartments that can be recreated as a public space are those made by SCEA and not third party ones such as Musicality or the UFC apartment. They said once a personal space goes live for sale, they'll take down the public space version of it, so the only way of someone still getting a good look at it is asking someone for a tour.
I lov the idea getting tour of up coming spaces but the problem I have is the time difference. But Its suck that Alien casino failed again but I just wounder what parts did it fail. But I looking forward to see it.