I am not sure what the guys are missing but why did the girls only get Asuka and Alisa and not Lilli and Christie? I want the 2 we don't have, lol
Well Since Street Fighter is CAPCOM it seems Capcom no longer Supports Home... And Since Tekken is Namco it also seems as Namco no Longer Supports Home... So the Answer to Any NEW Costumes for Home is NO! What a SHAME! I really liked buying these costumes... Home never learns to know what the fans really want... Instead they go with Pay To PLay Games and other useless Item's... When all we really want is More Capcom and Namco fighters... Darn It Home... Nuff Said! By: DCS
Either they aren't focused on the idea or they are taking their time to decide on the characters and perfect the costumes. Hopefully the second one is true cause I would love more costumes based off both Tekken and Street Fighter, even Marvel vs Capcom 3 costumes would be awesome.
Most costumes come out when a new game is released more as a marketing tool than anything so a new tekken or street fighter game may trigger new costume releases depends on how old ones sold. Like most of the game related stuff it has a short shelf life and havent seen anyone in ages wearing a full costume from the above games.
If they were gonna make New costumes they would of done so for Super Street Fighter IV and they didn't. Most seem to do item's for Home a Year at a time and after that Year is up... It no more item's... As in the case of Street Fighter and Tekken. As to why? that's a Good Question. Only those Companies and Home know why... And there Not Saying. If it wasn't for Street Fighter and Tekken back then... I wouldn't even been on Home to begin with. That's all... AWW! By: DCS
Problem is with street fighter and tekken is that usually its the same characters so to release virtually the same outfits under the banner of a new game could be considered a bit too much