Hi, With the PlayStation Vita looking have everything need and more to be able to run PlayStation Home, would you like to see the platform make its way on to Sonys new portable system? And just why would you like to see it head to the system and in what ways would you like Home to make use of the systems new tech, eg: use the systems camera's to take a photo and upload to your photo frames. But it's not just about Home making it's way to the new portable system, how about the portable system making it's way in to Home on the PS3, with every user's menu interface being updated to a Vita system, but lets not stop there, if you own a Vita, how about being able to control the Home Vita menu system on Your real life Vita?
I'd love to see Home on the Vita, just imagine the possibilities with touch screen, the camera and all the features. As for using the Vita along with home on the PS3, I'd love that too, imagine been able to use the Vita to change wardrobe on the go while not missing out on any convo that goes on as you change, a touch screen keyboard could be used along with the home version and the Vita version, these are only a few of the possibilities.
Home away from Home, now that would be awesome. I enjoy home so it would definitely be a good addition for me. Having a touch screen keyboard would be great.
since i'm moving a lot because of my job (spent several weeks abroad last winter), having Home running on a portable device like the PS Vita should be a good way to keep contact with friends and still being able to get all new stuff or rewards when they pop up
That would be cool if they did that. I could go on vacation this Christmas without missing the Winter Wonderland events and Japan events. And I can wish everyone a merry Christmas from it, too.
I vote no. Mostly because then I'd HAVE to get one of these things and my already overburdened multitasking skillz would possibly fry my brain. :boxed:
I think they would be better off spending their resources on making sure that we have a good Home on the PS3 first. They seem to have more going than they can handle as it is.
Yes I would, in full and also as an enhancement (browse store, wardrobe, and furniture on Vita without taking you from the game). So instead of having to navigate your PDA on the TV, you just pick up the Vita.
I think it's a great idea. But as Hopper was suggesting it needs to be stable. You know how frustrating it is when Home freezes up your ps3. Now picture the same thing happening on the Vita.. while at the same time wasting battery life turning it off and reloading up Home again. I won't care about adding extra, Vita only capabilities. I'd just want it to work, 100% of the time.
I would love to see home also available for more systems. But I wonder how reading text would work? Text bubbles can fill my huge 1080 tv set. How would that work on the vita's small screen? Also the chat log on the vita's screen would be tiny. And how would Asians read text in Japan and Asia Home. Their alphabets contain very complex characters. I have enough problems seeing Chinese characters on a big screen sometimes. But if they were shrunk down to a few millimeters tall, it wouldn't be readable.
to be honest the best you could hope for from the vita and home would be using it like the pda in home. cause like others have said the small screen would make text hard to read or even see. also with all the problems with home i think it would crash the vita more than it does home right now lol. another thing is i think it would take up to much of what little memory space you will have to download games . now don't get me wrong i think it would be nice to have on the vita i just don't see how it could work.
They could simply place limits on how big you can make text bubbles. I personally hate people who spam huge text bubbles for no reason. Again, the small Asian characters could be displayed in a standardized size. Although I have no idea how she does it, my wife can read very small Japanese print. Clearly Vita is going to have a fair number of RPGs and otherwise text heavy games. The Japanese companies know what size their characters should be shown. If Sony really wanted to they could make a version of Home that could work on Vita. It might have to be scaled down a bit (or a lot) but I don't feel it's impossable. Well, time will tell I guess.
The main reason Home handles so badly on PS3 is RAM, the Vita has more so could possibly run better, I wouldn't use a full version of home on a small screen but if they can make it work along with the PS3 for texting, as a PDA, for playing mini games (though with that I can see some complaints from people if they can't play a mini game just because they don't own a Vita) even home rewards earned from playing Vita games (transfer a save to the ps3 to unlock) would be nice.
My main argument would be that you would never miss the major events, such as the Winter Wonderland rewards. In addition, if you are having trouble with the internet connection at your house, you could go somewhere else to get internet access. This will of course be an option for the other online games, assuming you have game on both platforms. To make this option available on the Vita, it will need to be integrated in the console like on the PS3. I say that if it is possible to have Home on PS Vita, then it should definitely be done!
Need to have a portable home, internet speeds on 3g couldnt download home quick enough so its wireless hotspots only, size of screen is too small couldnt see most of what your doing, they could re try room again which was the beta for portable home which was ditched last year, but full home in its current guise would just be annoying when you cant complete a task because you just cant see it
I'm in the middle, so I'm not going to place a vote. I would love to see Home become as portable as I can (and be able to be on Home on my hour lunch break if it works on 3G), but, as was pointed out, Home on the PS3 already has a bunch of issues, not all of them stemming from the hardware. There are some things I do absolutely want to see. I would LOVE the ability to use the Vita as a replacement for the in-Home PDA; being able to go through the menus to activate items, change clothes, or even possibly shop the stores without losing focus of the world you're in would make it feel much more like I'm really in Home. Even if some of the features aren't possible (such as any options that make you jump 'into' the PDA), using the Vita to control the menus with its touch screen would make it much more intuitive (for example, sliding through a menu of clothes, tapping the one you want to put on, and seeing it appear on the big screen). Also, rewards by linking your Vita, whether just by having the Vita or by some kind of data that's saved on it, would be wicked awesome. So basically, Home on or off the Vita, can't really say. Home functionality enhanced with the Vita: HECK YES!
I, for one, would only like to see elements of Home maybe "playable" on the vita as a separate viewing/playing device for like mini games (like echochrome, icebreaker, etc...). I am hoping Home will become "much more" than it already is with the next console (PS4?). Reducing any of the parameters/graphics downward (or just not improve from now - being stagnant) would only ruin my hopes and cause me to lose interest over time. I certainly am not interested in seeing any of Home become lame because they are trying to make it work on a portable or resource-lite system. And this post from above is a great idea (and in the same spirit as my comment) of how it could enhance home and not ruin it! :colgate: "I would LOVE the ability to use the Vita as a replacement for the in-Home PDA; being able to go through the menus to activate items, change clothes, or even possibly shop the stores without losing focus of the world you're in would make it feel much more like I'm really in Home"