Sony is dealing with a huge crisis right now that is growing by the day. I'm sure that has motivated high level officials in Sony to get involved and pay attention to PSN where as before it was neglected in many ways. after all this is over, we'll get back on psn, and in Home. Our excursions into the ps3 worlds will hopefully get better. But what specific things are you hoping for to change? For myself I'm hoping to see:Database encription for any personal data -billing info, real name, birthdate.A new network with more server capacity and less prone to cause crashes and freezes and less laggy.Of course something more secure from hackingMaybe a little less greed in the mall for at least a little whileI'm not sure we'll get it, but a change in the mentality of Sony to communicate more with us, and to LISTEN to us more. Anyways, there's more, but I have to get back to work. But what are you looking forward to see in psn and home?
I want more security, better severs, a rewards program, compensation for time lost on PSN, and more visible moderation on Home, their boards, and gaming. Just to start. I have more, but there's a little for you.
I would personally like to see less errors from the network and faster download speeds, the network always feels very over loaded.
totally agree with this we lose way too much gaming and socialising time to friends being kicked off or download speeds
I would hope that Sony learns from this. Better servers, and faster downloads better customer service attend more to our needs as customers, we should be treated like we are top priority Hopefully they do things better once PSN is back up and less greed please though I'm sure they are going to be trying to make up for lost cash.
I'm pretty new to PSN, maybe bump up the friend limit to 200? That shouldn't be too hard. As for PS Home I would like to see reduced loading times and optimize the item limit for the PS3 memory. For example, a 50-point scaling system where regular items range from 0.1-2 (0.1 would be a tiny item and 2 a very large item with high detail) and active items from 3-5. The furniture points remaining would be shown in the corner. That way you can have as many active items at the expense of other items or vice versa, as long as it's within the PS3's capabilities.
This is on top of my priority list. I want this as much as anything else. But I wouldn't be surprised to see alot of extra lag on Home (at least temporarily) because of the alterations they are making on PSN's infrastructure. I'm hoping that after they make all the changes, they will be able to fine tune the system soon to get it faster than what we are used to in time. I hope....
If we are talking Home specific - How about the ability to update Home without downtime, as well as update videos on a daily basis instead of with the normal update.
What Does Sony Owe Us for Its PlayStation Network Outage? | News & Opinion | Personally, I think a "Sony F***ed Up and I got this Shirt!" shirt in Home might be funny.