Hi Jus4u, welcome to the forum from everyone here at Your Playstation Home! Why not take a min to introduce yourself to the rest of the Your Playstation Home community, after all thats the first step of becoming part of any community Dont forget if you need any help please feel free to contact us via forum PM.
First of all it still is promoting... When u promote suttin...u talk bout it more than once...and, bout the fam yea I did tell people and,ask them to join but .... Its not spamming im promiting my fam to get people in it... U saying I,never got anyone to join ...ha I did... Funny thing is u thought I didnt ...n I,got more than 60 people I,met off this,app in the first,place... Telling me to wait the,bann when I got banned u,told me it was forever how dat sound?...not right obviously... Ure one to b judgementle... I neva judge u even though ull probbly say,i,neva had tu... I new u,b for this app... Tell me im lien idc Its not,the truth... So I aint u in real life...so wut...i,was always kool Its a shame nowu gotta b so rude... And continue banning me... Only thing u dnt even remember ... Its funny how u still dnt remember me... Ha ha ha I guesswhile u keep banning ill keep laughing... P.s. When will the banning end- To u carla b
You clearly don't understand english to well or understand the term spamming. That is the posting of unwanted messages over and over. Fact is you posted your invite message in about 10-20 threads within like 30min. none of them had anything to do with what you was posting. that is spam. Your ban was a few week on your main id. This got made a month when you rejoined on a other id and spammed again. any sub id's that get made get banned for good, so they can not be useded to get around any other bans. If your actions remain, ill be forced to file a internet abuse report to your ISP. all the ip's you use are logged with date and time and the posts you make, the ip detail is also logged by your IPS so they can confirm your actions. Your actions will very likely break the IPS terms of use, what means they are within there right to cut off your internet access. You have been warned countless time and been told to wait out the ban, you failed to do this, so think of yourself banned for good and your ip's will now start being banned.