Welcome BrandonDean, Glad you have joined! Why not take a min to introduce yourself to the rest of the Your Playstation Home community, after all thats the first step of becoming part of any community Dont forget if you need any help please feel free to contact us via forum PM.
Thanks lol i just noticed this app in the android store and thought "eh what the hell". Also im trying to set up my information on my profile. I set my flag for united states, but it shows as the default alphabetical one :/ how do i change my settings? I also want to add my psn on there
When You Sign In .. Right At The Top .. Click On My Profile .. In That Go To Edit Gallery Block .. Look To The Left And All The Settings Is There So You Can Edit Your Profile
Sorry for such a late reply. Thank you! Your advice is very helpful lol . The forums seem to be taking off and doing well. Most sites like this either just fail out, or become littered with people with a baaaad attitude XD.