A while back when Central Plaza was turned into a war zone complete with bombed out buildings etc I had a bad premonition that this was not a good omen for Home and mentioned it in the Official Playstation Forum. I think the Central Plaza should be a sacred place where no type of war takes place and we do not see our virtual plaza being destroyed even if only in make believe. If people want to see this type of destruction I would suggest maybe they enter CP but then go to the war zone of their choice. I think with what amounts to one of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of gaming we need to keep our priorities straight and always remember anything you dream of can become a reality. Thank you for reading this and keeping an open mind.
I like that there was a major change to the plaza in support of an event even if it was "war" themed. it was not one of my favorites but was a refreshing change for a while and hope there will be more of it in the future. the US plaza is not my favorite and would prefer JP or UK anytime. and besides, the US CP is a warzone any regular day!
My bad premonition started when the store was giving error codes right before the outage. I knew nothing good would come of that...
I think it's one of the best looking game tie-in promos in the Central Plaza. The space looked good and the mini-game was kinda fun as well.
Don, CP was decorated to celebrate an upcoming game. It had nothing to do with Sony or us users getting our priorities wrong. People get all bent out of shape for nothing, whenever some slight change happens in Home, doesn't matter if it's a limited time thing or something permanent. Home is supposed to have something for everyone. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else needs to follow along. We all have different likes and different tastes. It's very simple to ignore the things you don't like, as well as not buy or earn the things you don't like. Whatever we like and dislike, will always be included in our lives, doesn't matter if it's a game, movie, or a social network. Best option is to ignore what you don't like and let those who have different tastes enjoy themselves.
That was a great event, the central plaza looked amazing, had great games and awesome rewards. Home square in eu changes alot, and I love it as it keeps the space interesting.
Breaking news the truth behind psn being down they found bin laden hiding in a cp building n bombed the hell out of it
I thought the Killzone 3 Promotion on PSH was a great idea not only the game itself, People had got 3 points from the mini game to go for the KZ3 game and free rewards for those who dont spend money on Home, They did mention the KZ3 promo before hand and if anyone thought that was a mind binder on Terrorism than they might be closed minded
Yup, thats the same San Onofre nuclear reactors in the Naked Gun movie. It looks silly to slowly drive past it. There is a freeway right next to it. it looks worse at night. The tips glow red and blink. it is a bit unnerving to see it from the other side. A pair of nuclear reactors on the beach like in Fukushima. I hope we are never hit by a earthquake and tidal wave.