[video=youtube;nFBrgeSjj-0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFBrgeSjj-0[/video] I think Jo might fall in love with this. ;D Looks very good! I was very impressed. Even if it wasn't TR, it seems like an incrediblely exciting game. At least it's a great set up. It sure has the right attitude. And the art is amazing!!!
The trailer is just amazing, can't wait to see what they have in store at E3 next week, what I love about this game is the fact we're so used to the tough strong Lara and now we'll get to see a weaker more sensitive side to her as we play and see how she became the Lara we all know and love
Amazing trailer, the only thing bad about it was the release date. Fall 2012! We have to wait that long!
Amazing! I Loved It So Much .. LoL ;D Wooo Lara Croft :3 What A Long Wait BUT From The Trailer Has Shown, It Seems Worth The Wait .. Oh Yea !
New TombRaider, Looks good but not staying true to the original AND OMG!!!! TombRaider WTH!? Okay it looks great for the CG but as fan of The original Lara Croft & TombRaider I say please please PLEASE STOP MAKING TOMBRAIDER!!! Instead of going forward & developing Lara Croft & TombRaider Your remaking her further from who she is & should've become. Now her origin story is remade AGAIN, Squire Enix turned her into a snot nose cry baby that finds courage from being lost at sea OMG!!!! Yea I wanna become a TombRaider too, OH PLEASE! The TombRaider & Lara Croft remakes are almost as bad as the redone Aya Brea in The 3rd birthday. IF You can't stay true to the original character THEN DON'T TOUCH THE TITLES. It's like saying Superman was born on earth or Bruce Wayne just had a bad day & became Batman or Sony was microsoft. Either keep true to the original or give it back to the creators Or just don't touch it at all.
I guess you missed the comic where Superman renounced his american citizenship. He wanted to be a citizen of the world, not just one country. Boy, that set off alot of angry posts. I believed they are removing Wonder Woman from her USA roots too. But then, she's always been moving more to her Paradise Island roots with each decade instead of her WWII go USA theme.
For the people that do care, The Official Playstation Magazine has Tomb Raider on the cover and there are 10 pages of text/screenshots. It's the June 2011 Issue, which is issue 046. if anyone wants it, I got it from a store, so it's out on the newsstands.
That's who they are, Superman wasn't born an american he's Kryptonian but taken in & excepted on earth, he's earth's citizen. As Wonder Woman is purely an Amazon. They are keeping the origins & haven't forgotten who they are & moving forward by trying to stay true to the characters. TombRaider & Lara Croft origin was set then rewritten & now rewritten again before Lara Croft could be developed more as an icon for the TombRaider series. Now she's just a weak copy that doesn't do the name she carries around justice.
Tomb Raider?s combat is ?ambitious? ? Crystal Dynamics As we?ve seen earlier in the gorgeous Tomb RaiderCG trailer, Lara Croft is quite different than the woman we?ve grown to know; she?s young, frightened and*vulnerable and has to learn how to survive. Every moment in the game will have its meaning which will ultimately shape and define Ms. Croft. One of the elements or features that?ll do that is the brand new combat system Crystal Dynamics is working on according to global brand director Karl Stewart, which goes far beyond the quicktime events we?ve seen so far.http://www.thatvideogameblog.com/2011/06/17/tomb-raiders-combat-is-ambitious-–-crystal-dynamics/
This is an old interview. But as far as I know, Alison Carroll is still the official Tomb Raider spokesmodel. And this is an interview when she first got the role. [video=youtube;MkdwTUU56y8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkdwTUU56y8[/video] [video=youtube;e9yVDfddug8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9yVDfddug8[/video] There's a new Tomb Raider Movie in the works for 2013. I hope the Lara they choose will be as good as this young lady.
I was very worried about this at first (ANOTHER reboot) And I didn't wanna see Tr ruined all over again like it was by Crystal Dynamics (my opinion.) However this one looks much better than the last 3 so I am quite hopeful n_n - I do miss CORE's Lara though :'(
Interview With Tomb Raider Creative Director – PlayStation.Blog.Europe Eu blog has an interview about the game!
I might have to put this on my list of games I have to buy. Honestly after the first game it went down hill for me. The series just got to James Bond. But this re-do looks amazing. Just hope its not to Uncharted. Oh and very sexy new Laura Croft. She looks amazing.