Here is everything we know so far about the Midway 3! Here's the newest info from Voodoo Chief! There's a special area called Den-O-Pain, reserved for the most hardcore players! Only them can be with Marla with the spanking board! I don't think you should go in there.... Here are the mini-games we know so far! - Whack-Off! - Pull My Finger! - Beans! Beans! Beans! - Scatter Shot - Puck-It! - Penny Pincher - Light Me Up! - Bigfoot - Dead Ringer - And Miz Fortune but who wants to see that? Is it me, or do the names for the games sound sexual? We should be expecting Midway 3 withen the next few months, maybe on The Midway's 2nd Annivasary in early July? Who knows?
Some of Midway's games usually are sexual sounding. I bet will get another Miz Fortune booth again. I wonder what the next hidden gold item reward will be this time? The first one was the gold crown from purchasing the golden throne toilet seat and the second was the gold bat for hitting 10 perfect home runs, so I hope it's something great.
Ah, hopefully with a few free plays I can get enough points to get Karla to appear at my den. Still haven't unlocked a lot of stuff from 1 and 2, doubtful if the third is going to be any easier than the two.
These looks sort of the same as the games already in Midway and MIdway 2, but I will give this a chance, but Penny Pincher looks like another High ROller O_O
The Hot Zone A couple of shots of the new hub called "The Hot Zone" which will connect all 3 Midways and also has a teleport to Darlas Den.