There's a new game that came out in March in Japan called "Reminiscence of Suzumiya Haruhi". If you are a fan of the Haruhi anime like I am, you will love this if you can get a hold of it. But a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video must be even better, right? short trailer [video=youtube;jweJL-QBEO4][/video] long trailer (subtitled) [video=youtube;hKXuQXoxuzk][/video] Enoz God Knows [video=youtube;VqafnA66FjU][/video] a fanboy review [video=youtube;VtzVqCeXGI0][/video] link
I love Haruhi but unfortunately I want a game that I can read and understand. Also wished Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekidou was compatible for US Wii systems but sadly Wii's are region locked and I don't have that kind of cheddar to go out and get a Japanese Wii console to play one game.
yeah, buying an import is expensive and a game based on text is difficult. But I really like how they duplicated the look of Haruhi so perfectly! It looks gorgeous. Just like the anime. But you can walk around in it. I'm amazed by how good it looks! I would love to walk around in that world.
Is there no way to get a bunch of fan of Suzumiya Haruhi & just e-mail the developers asking them to make an english version. I'm not familiar with the anime or game but there are alot of japanese games i'd love to see brought to the u.s. & i hope you manage to find a copy, may when the japanese PSN is up they'll be a demo.
Haruhi is a very fun Anime. But if you ever try it, please keep in mind that the first episode is kinda crappy and cheap. The rest of the show is very good though. The first episode is an oddball. During the first season, Haruhi decides to make a film. And she writes, and directs it.. And it comes out HORRIBLE. And for some reason, they make us watch that bad student film instead of a first episode. But the rest of the season is fun. The second season also has a few bad episodes. There's like 8 episodes that are retelling the same day over and over from different vantage points. It's boring for us viewers. You can skip over them. But the extreme boredem is also felt by one of the characters and creates the events that effect the story later on. There's no real way to describe Haruhi that doesn't reveal spoilers that take away from the enjoyment. But it's funny, well written with moments of genius, and wacky. But the acting is much better in japanese. So you might want to go with dubs. I guessing the dubs don't quite capture the flavor of the show.
I liked the first episode. Adventure of Mikeru was awesome. Crappy film is entertaining for me, probably being that I've had my share of crappy films(all of them really) so I found it humorous. Second season, the first episode was the only one that made me remember why I liked Haruhi. After that the feeling just died slowly. Most likely endless eight was the culprit.
I liked the first episode too. But I've seen some people give up on Haruhi after viewing that first episode. Best to give people some warning about it. I feel the same about the second season. Loved the first of the season. But the "endless 8" killed me. Thank god the movie was good again.
I have yet to see the Disapperance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Waiting for the blu-ray to begin watching it, shouldn't be too long I don't think. Good to know that the movie was good. By chance Firefly have you seen the web episodes of Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya and Nyoro~n Churuya-san?
oh! it's funny you mentioned that. I just found those on crunchyroll earlier today. But haven't watched them yet. btw, you will LOOOVE the movie. it really has some nice story to it. The first half of the movie is a slooow slow set up. Movie doesn't really shift into gear till halfway through. But then it's a fun wild fun sprint to the great ending. also, there is a tiny cute scene after the credits.