I'm always behind on the news, so please forgive me if this is old information, but I'd never realised there was an underground area in Sodium. I took some pictures, so if you already knew about this then at least there's something pretty to stare at in this post. This is the sign near the entrance. The writing doesn't show up in photographs, but said "You'll Never Find It" if I recall correctly. Here's me approaching the actual entrance. A tunnel in the underground area. The main room of the underground area with glowing tube. The glowing tube in close up. This view would have included what appears to be a code, but like the entry sign, the writing doesn't show up in pictures. And finally another tunnel picture. There you go. Now you can all point and laugh at me and tell me that you all knew about it six months back.
Yep, it's a nice addition to the hub. Hopefully more secret locations will also pop up in the future. I believe the code on the tube spells Vickie using a phone keypad.
I didn't find any prizes, no. Just go past the large scorpion stomp area and keep going. I'm so glad that it was news to at least one person. You've made my day.
I have heard about the secret underground location in Sodium, but never been there and its good you posted up some pics. Am gonna go and check it out tonight after work.
Great place to hide, sodium hub has landing zones in main area only, get out behind vip area or in underground tunnel or anywhere outside main area to wind up mates lol
Sam gave a theory up above in an earlier post. I have no idea if it has a purpose, but the other people there were speculating that it was for a later expansion.
Interesting. I don't follow them on Facebook. I was one of the final three in the interview process for Lockwood community manager, so it's a bit off-putting to see somebody do the job I wanted. Still, great company and I wish them continued success. I'm not bitter enough to avoid their products and they'll still get my money regularly.
Thanks. I Remember seeing a pic once of what I thought was an entrance to a tunnel before. I went looking for it and did not find it. I had no idea that there was an underground area. I will try again to locate it.