We all know Irem's closing up shop (WHYYYYYY); what will all the beach goers do? I mean, Red bull's still there, but its... not as good as Irem... or really, a bunch of the personal spaces anymore. What do all you beach goers plan to do?
Well I Am Sad That IREM And Seaside Is Going ;___; .. I Wish IREM Wasn't Going .. Red Bull Beach Is Alright; BUT I Guess If I Want A Beach, My Best Space Would Be My Very Own Tropical Escape
Hopefully a new space will come out, but until then we are stuck with Red Bull which isn't so bad I guess. No free rewards there though...
In so much as there are beaches from "Red Bull" and "Diesel", they pale in comparison to IREM's Beach Resort. I too am intently optimistic that there WILL be some space to cater for ALL beach goers of Playstation Home.
Well I bet all the noobs looking for "babes or chicks" will end up @ Red Bull until a nice beach comes out.
Current beachs on home excluding irem Red Bull, Diesel, tropical escape, motorstorm beach, granzella, loco island, robo goalie island, little bit of beach in sodium apartment, and loads of water at bonks