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Scea Explore Listing - Your Feedback

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    This as been bugging me for weeks/months now, but the new sorting is even more messed up than it was before, with many newer spaces hidden way down the listing, why spaces that are years old and unused like Burn Zombie Burn get there own main Folder image.

    Then we got folders for some Dev's spaces, only to find half there spaces are not within it and are again hidden deep down in More Spaces.

    Lets take a quick over view at some of the mess up.

    Featured Games
    Why is Abbey Hill Garden Party - Winter listed under a games folder, its not a game and empty also.

    Dev folders
    Half the spaces are not listed for most the dev's then we have some folders for pointless old spaces

    More Games
    The sorting of this seems to be A-Z sorting, whats totally silly, it should in my view have the newer and more used spaces at the top with the pointless unused spaces at the bottom.

    It really is no wonder some dev's lose money and are unwilling to do big projects when there spaces get hidden away after a few weeks on launch, we have spaces like Serenity Plaza hidden half way down the more games tab, why spaces like Burn Zombie Burn are at the top in there own folder.

    What are your views on the sorting of the Explore area on US Home.
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    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      Recently, SCEA has said they changed the menus around a bit to make it easier to find things.

      Personally, I don't know who they gave that project to, but he should be moved to another department. I totally agree, then menu system is a train wreck. Next time I am in front of my PS3, I'll make some notes and add to this list.
    • drake21734

      drake21734 Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Feb 5, 2011
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      I dont like how they swapped things around on the main parts of the navi at all.
    • Scotish-Heritage

      Dec 14, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +7 /1
      i don't rightly care for the new 'navi' all that much. sure it looks better but i find it to be a pain when i have to scroll next to my closet to get to my invy to use an LMO or a Companion in the main menu. until they find a way to ditch most of the least used rooms or even some the 'out dated' ones, i shall Favourite the ones i use most and the ones for the Challenges.
    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +112 /7
      If NA Home does one thing consistently well, it is doing things that defy common sense. We've seen it again again where something that has been totally fine all along gets changed, while the things that need changes most, don't. It's baffling.
    • gary160974

      gary160974 I adore Uzi08

      Oct 27, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +22 /11
      Id begin all my spaces with a letter A now, the wild west frontier would be a wild west frontier so it moved to the top of alphabetic listing

      Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      #7 kwoman32, Jan 6, 2014
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
      I wanted to take apart the Navi in Home since this thread was started. I haven't had the time to really go over it, but I'm done finally, so look out ..... :)

      The SCEA Navigation System in PlayStation Home

      Let's have a look at the Navigation system in PlayStation Home. My personal comments are in italics. It starts you out with four sections to choose from. From left to right :

      (1) - Navigator - Selecting this takes you to three sub-menus :
      -- Hub
      -- Core District - Includes main Home spaces: Pier Park, Adventure District, Sportswalk, Action District
      -- Theaters - Includes five theaters and a lobby

      Straight forward enough. Main areas of Home.

      (2) - Explorer
      -- PS4 Experience
      -- Acorn Meadows Park Winter Holiday
      -- Orson's Throne Room
      -- Another link to Theater One
      -- A link to Radio IO store from LOOT
      -- Featured Games : Selecting this takes you to five sub-menus : The Casino, Home Tycoon, Great Edo of Nippon, Abbey Hill Garden Party, Spunland
      --- SCEA - Selecting this takes you to twelve sub-menus : Bowling Alley, Charcoal Champ, Cutthroats Pirate Game, Davis Guetta World, Dead Nation, Diamond Beach Yacht Club, Indie Park, MotorStorm: Carrier, Play Station Home Hold'em, Siren Lounge, The Playground, SingStar
      --- Digital Leisure - Selecting this takes you to three sub-menus : Casino, Western Frontier and Pet Shop
      --- EA - The Godfather II
      --- Granzella - Selecting this takes you to three sub-menus : Plaza In Twilight, Great Edo of Nippon, and Southern Island Hideaway
      --- Hellfire Games - Includes Home Tycoon and Novus Prime
      --- Hudson - Hudson Gate
      --- Konami - Konami Penthouse
      --- Kuju - Burn Zombie Burn
      --- LucasArts - Star Wars Cantina
      --- Lockwood - Selecting this takes you to three sub-menus : Abbey Hill Garden Party, Salt Shooter,
      Sodium 2
      --- Mass Media - Midway 3
      --- nDreams - Aurora
      --- O-Two - Includes Peakvox Labs, Peakvox ninja
      --- Ubisoft - Assasin's Creed - Abstergo Labs
      --- Veemee - Includes Acorn Meadows Park, No Man's Land
      --- More Spaces - Selecting this takes you to sixty-four sub-menus : Abbey Hill Garden Party, Bomber Dome, Bootleggers '29, Clearasil Kart Racing. Cogs Sky Platform, D20 District, Diamond Beach Mansion Infinity Pool, Diamond Beach Yacht Club, Disgaea 4 Lounge, Dr. Who TARDIS, Dragon's Green, DUST: Event Horizon Lounge, F.U.B.A.R., Lockwood Gift Shop, Glittering Sands Beach, Plaza in Twilight, Edo of Nippon : Underground Mononke Race, Village of Hexalon, Home Grown Labaratory, Hot Zone, Hudsons Theatre, Journey, Killer Plants From Outter Space, Kingdom of the Skies, Little Big Planet Playground, Dream Central, LKWD HQ, Loot Space Station, Loot Space Apartment Open House, Mercia: Fractured Realms, Men In Black Headquarters, Midnight Glade, Midway, Midway 2, LocoRoco - MuiMui Ship, nRage, Pet Shop, PixelJunk Exhibition, Pottermore (expands to links for Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Express, Great Hall, Library, Charms, Forbidden Forest, Chessboard Chambber, Link Your Account and Common Room), The Praire, RC Rally, Redd&Son Garage Rooftop, Resistance Station, Resistance 3 Diner, Serenity Plaza, Serenity Plaza Halloween Spooktacular, Slap Happy Sam's Stage Show, Slim Jim Spice Rescue, Sodium Hub, Street Fight X Tekken Event Space, Loot Studio Stage Set Open House, Spunland, Sunset Lounge, Total Rekall, Clearasil Back To School Dash, Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunter, Uproar, Village of Hexalon, Western Frontier, WipEout Museum, x7, Yetis vs Hunters, Xi: Continuuim, Xi museum

      Where to start! First, some of the spaces are seasonal or temporary and will change.

      Starting at the top and working down (4th item), the additional link to Theatre One is totally unnecessary except to promote a particular group.

      Next, (5th item) the LOOT Radio IO Store tab belongs under “Shop”. It’s nothing more than an ad to get you to buy a seasonal subscription to RadioIO (which is horribly expensive).

      Next, (6th item) we have “Featured Games”. I’m not sure what criteria SCEA uses for calling something a “game” but I would not call the “Abbey Hill Garden Party” a game. It’s a throw-away public space with a free item for visiting it once to entice you to buy the personal space.

      The next item (7th) is called “SCEA”. There is no logic to this thinking I can figure out. Start with the Bowling Alley, Charcoal Champ, Cutthroats Pirate Game, Play Station Home Hold'em, Siren Lounge, and The Playground listings. Shouldn’t these have just been placed under “Featured Games”? Singstar, Davis Guetta World, Dead Nation, Diamond Beach Yacht Club, MotorStorm: Carrier, & The Playground could have just been listed under “More spaces”.

      Now you have the next two items, the listings by developer and “More spaces”. In these two areas you will find duplication, making the menus more tedious than they need to be.

      The Pet Shop, Western Frontier, Abbey Hill Garden Party, Diamond Beach Yacht Club, Plaza in Twilight, are listed under “More spaces” as well as under their respective developer tabs. To add to the confusion, “Village of Hexalon” is actually listed TWICE under the same heading (“More spaces”).

      Once again, spaces that are mostly a game (or games) are listed under “More spaces” but not under “Featured Games” (like Hot Zone, Midway, Midway 2, Slim Jim Spice Rescue, Clearasil Back To School Dash, Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunter, Uproar, Mercia, Slap Happy Sam's Stage Show, Bootleggers '29, Clearasil Kart Racing. Cogs Sky Platform, and more!).

      Heavy Water has no developer tab, yet they have more than one space listed under “More spaces”.

      nDreams DOES have a developer tab, but the Xi spaces and F.U.B.A.R. are not listed there.

      LOOT has more than one space, but again, no developer tab.

      Lockwood HAS a developer listing, but is missing spaces (like Mercia, Midnight Glade, Sunset Lounge, The Praire, Lockwood Gift Shop, Kingdom of the Skies, Dream Central, LKWD HQ and Uproar).

      There is more and I’m sure you can find them. You see the problem. Obviously, no one who actually uses PlayStatiuon Home assembled these menus. There is no logic to them at all.

      (3) - My Home
      -- My Friends
      -- My Spaces
      -- My Clubs
      -- My Favorites
      -- Recently Visited

      This is straight forward enough.

      (4) - Shop (stores)
      -- New & Featured items
      -- x7
      -- Mall - Selecting this takes you to eleven sub-menus : Boosters, Estates, Furniture, Exclusives, Threads, Costumes, Sidekicks, Games, Music, Mall 1st Floor, Mall 2nd Floor
      -- Lockwood / Sodium
      -- nDreams
      -- Veemee
      -- Granzella
      -- Konami
      -- Loot
      -- Atom Republic
      -- Juggernaut Games
      -- Hellfire Games

      The “New & Featured” tab is not always accurate. Why doesn't Codeglue and JAM Games have a separate listing like all the other devs? Why isn’t there a “Search” function to find an item? The idea is to sell things, right? Why does it take forever to buy an item in these stores, but if you use the new “Inspect” feature it is MUCH faster? Why is there no Top 20 or Top 50 Item listing like they had in SCEJ? Seems like SCEA is afraid to use a great idea developed by another region. Instead, we get “MVP picks”.

      You get the idea. Feel free to add your own comments, good or bad. Make your voice heard.
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      • Shaundi

        Shaundi Third Street Saints
        Valued Member

        Jan 16, 2011
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        +44 /10
        I hadn't used NA Home in about a month and when I popped on last week and seen the new navigator layout I was seriously shocked at just how badly sorted it was. Some very old and quite frankly useless spaces featuring heavily at the top while spaces that have only been released in recent months are hidden away.

        They should bring back the "New and featured" tab and include spaces released over the last month (or more if there's been few in any given month, say up to 10 new spaces) Featured spaces would include any spaces that have had an update in the last month.

        Also bring back the featured games menu rather than having it under explore, there should basically be 5 sub menus for game spaces-

        Simple: Puzzle, arcade and any other smaller type games
        Adventure: Any game that could be considered an adventure game
        Sports: You can guess what comes under here
        Action: Shooters and other games heavy on action
        Other: basically any game that can't really fall under any of the above categories

        The rest of the spaces should fall under their own Developer tabs in explore (and they should make sure all the spaces are in the correct places of course) There would be no need for a "more spaces" tab if all the spaces have been sorted properly to begin with

        As for stores, New and Featured should contain 3 main tabs, "New" would contain anything released in the last update only, "Featured" would contain anything up to a month previous to that week. There should be a Best Sellers or Top 10/20/50 tab, this would ideally be updated weekly but monthly would be acceptable.

        Other content should continue to be sold through their own developer stores, but as Karen stated some devs don't have their own stores, I can understand why those who haven't released a great deal wouldn't have their own storefront so maybe those items could continue to be sold in Threads/ costumes etc along with Sonys own items

        A New Look

        This idea only popped into my head while I was typing this and thinking what sorting/filter options the navigator could use. While the wardrobe may be far from perfect the style it uses would work great for the navigator (and be close to the classic look Homes older users will remember whilst being familiar to all users).

        Each Menu (Explore, Games etc) would basically be one of the main tabs like our wardrobe has now, Favourites would be replaced with custom menus, and we'd have sorting /filter options (New, Old, recently visited, A-Z, Z-A etc) and of course a much requested search option.
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        • oDd GiR£

          oDd GiR£ Active Member

          Dec 29, 2012
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          I think half the reason we get so many misshaps after updates such as the organizational errors and the debockle with Lockwood's 50% off items coming up free is that updates are rushed to satisfy the impatient masses of kids that can't do w/o Home for more than a few hours. Sony needs to slow down and take more time to do a bettr quality update. I also think they may need to examine the skill level of some of their technicians involved in these updates. I will admit, I am starting to become bitter with the direction Playstation is going. Its become all about money and less about stability and quality. It'sa shame because the concept was awesome and it was working. Now it serms more like a crap shoot/free for all.
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          • C.Birch

            C.Birch Site Owner
            Staff Member Administrator

            Mar 21, 2012
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            I don't think updates are so much rushed, they have a good 3 days to add the new items, many of them have already been soft added to Home servers and just need adding to store list.

            I think its more down to worker skill level and more likely the fact many seem to be tasked with a range of jobs now days, mostly in SCEA where most are now covering jobs for everything online from Home to store to forums/blog.
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            • mikami


              Oct 26, 2012
              Likes Received:
              +0 /1
              well, thank you
            • C.Birch

              C.Birch Site Owner
              Staff Member Administrator

              Mar 21, 2012
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              +261 /59
              Just found this within my old photos, from closed home beta.
              Scea Explore Listing - Your Feedback, C.Birch, Jan 19, 2014, 10:21 AM,, jpg, 14.jpg
            • Baron_Brain

              Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
              Valued Member

              Jan 22, 2011
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              +21 /1
              Wow… that ßeta navigator pic sure brings back some old pre-release memories. So weird now to see only the few icons on it.

              I really need to sort my old Home screenshots into a coherent mess someday and see I've saved since then…

              [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
              Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
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