Here is the rewards to be won from the public Salt Shooter game, coming today. Light Assault Drone – Enter Salt Shooter *Public Game Space Sand Stalker – Complete level 1 of [SodiumOne] Sand Skater – Complete level 2 of [SodiumOne] Skimmer Assault Drone – Complete level 3 of [SodiumOne] Heavy LRM Drone – Complete level 4 of [SodiumOne] SodiumOne Mini MKII Hover Tank – Complete level 5 of [SodiumOne]
Very cool. Are they apartment decor item or companion pets? It would be cool if they are companion pet, but if is apartment decor I can settle with that as well.
yeah, easiest rewards ever lol to a point. just a shade harder to aquire than the ones given in either the theatre or Central Plaza
Did anyone else have a problem with getting booted from the game? Whenever I hit the L1 button for rockets, it always brought up the canned text menu and kicked me out with a "game unavailable" message. Obviously, I didn't need the rockets to knock off the first 5 levels and everything went routinely with the guns. It could be a problem if I try to play the higher levels over the weekend to rack up double Sodium credits.
I only got the first reward when I entered the lounge. I had to replay the first 5 levels for the new rewards. But it's funny when it gives out that "LOW SURVIVAL PROBABILITY" warning. Cause then you think, "WHO ARE YOU WARNING? ME OR THEM?" LOL here's a dare for those of you who have played the game before. This is super easy. But try and get the rewards as a turret. Don't move. Just rotate and fire.
I actually have played Sal Shooter quite a lot in the past. So I knew what to expect, when out in the field. So getting the rewards wasn't much of a challenge.
You can probably do it without even rotating...wait for them to fly by and blast away. I just held down L1 and the missiles cleared out each wave in about 5 seconds.