I take alot of photographs in Home. So I need to mass change alot of file names sometimes. Irfanview is a great FREE program for that on the PC. When I want to mass change just one word that is in alot of filenames for alot of files, there's another program I use called Flexible Renamer http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA014830/english/FlexRena/ I use the Rename function alot. Most of the features on this program I don't have a need for. But I use Rename alot. It's FREE. It even works with japanese names. If you need a rename program on the PC, it's free and very powerful! =]
Does it let you edit out the jp copyright letters in the file names when taking home photos, i have to do that or most softwear does not open them.
yes! That's one of the main reasons I got it. I have the same problem with some programs. I replace "画像" ("picture") with just "JP" for all photos from Japan. Works like a charm! Often I delete "-2011" from all file names. Then I change the first half to "2011-". That way All my photos are in nice chronological order.
Cool find FF. I shall bookmark it and pass it to a friend who might need it, as well if I do have tons of photos to rename, this is the prog I shall give a shot with.
When i' making pano images of spaces i have to take like 80 images for each one, so renaming them by hand is hard work so this should help loads.