Hello world! I need to have a word with you about Playstation Home. But before we start, come back through time with me, to the end of 2008. Home was put into Open Beta. Remember that despite being talked up constantly throughout the development as a bridge between games, it took longer to load than any other full-price game on the market, including over a minute of black screen that would quite rightly make most users think their console had exploded? Remember how your choice of character defaults (still available!) looked like a collection of police mugshots from the breakup of an illegal farmhouse rave in 1992, after a terrible accident tipped a container of corrosive acid over the revellers? Remember how nearly everything in Home was a placeholder for things that weren't there yet, despite three years of development? Combine these facts with a major deviation from the way Sony normally operates with in-house stuff (Motto: "Polish everything to a shine before release and it's harder to spot a turd") and you cannot come to any other conclusion than Home was an aborted mashup of different people pulling for different things, and after three years was put out to pasture, presumably hoping for a quiet death a year down the line. Which is fine! These things happen. Not every project works out. Then something amazing happened. Something that you were all involved in! People starting buying stuff. Lots of stuff. Despite it not really doing anything, despite the full selection amounting to a few painfully Lifestyle outfits to slip onto a mannequin with weirdly distorted facial features (to avoid the licensing issues that come with users being able to create an avatar that looks like anyone who exists in real life), people started eating it for breakfast. Rather than greeting this development with joy, the way Home has developed since gives you the feeling there was mainly confusion at Sony HQ, because nobody could figure out why the hell it was happening. And yet, money is money. So Sony looked at their outfits spreadsheet and tried to figure out what to do next. This is where you come in. Or, tragically, in the case of the US (and now EU) region, don't. There is no more privileged situation for a consumer (that's you!) than to have a company want your money and not quite know how to get it. You can make them do anything. They will roll on the floor, they will jump through hoops for you, anything, as long as every month that spreadsheet shows more money coming in. You see, your money is a powerful form of control and communication. Use it wisely and you can change things in your favour. But use it poorly or without thought, and the only message that will get through is THEY WILL GIVE MORE IF WE LET THEM. So let's say we're now in 2010, and Home is still raking in a steady, inexplicable stream of cash, and they're experimenting, and trying all sorts of new ways to make their numbers go up. Devs start asking the users what they want to see, which could charitably be seen as half of a desire to please their base, and half genuinely having no idea where to go next with Home. In Japan, Home's audience is vocal, and makes it clear exactly what they want. They want community, they want events, and they want region-specific content. Less commercialism, more things they may actually interest them as a group. Things that give their world a sense of place and character. Because of the aforementioned corporate desperation, they get exactly what they want, because they'll get whatever they ask for as a community, as long as the money keeps flowing. Now look at what has happened in the US. Someone got greedy, as they're always going to do, and dipped a gold-plated toe in the water to check the temperature. Positive result. Next an entire leg goes in, and much like getting in a bath with a temperature that is just right, or like a dog that has no self control, or like a businessman that will happily depersonalise, cut up and sell the place you visit for small change if you let him, they can't stop themselves. They've got the taste. You gave them the taste. You waved the green flag made from notes and effectively said "Hey business guy, good work! I don't want to visit a place with heart or soul, or people making objects and spaces that mean anything to anyone, I want you to construct a fictional replica of the capitalist model so that a range of companies start pumping out generic catch-all content aimed at what they think other people would like!" It's not really your fault, though. It's just how things go. When Second Life gave people nothing more than a shaky physics engine and some polygons to create the world of their dreams, they probably didn't expect that nearly ten years later drawing upon the infinite well of human creativity would have resulted in an endless strip mall full of bondage gear and animal masks. Just as Sony probably didn't realise that the idea of persistent rewards that people 'keep' for as long as Home lives would end up with people spending hours of their day chasing crude marketing trinkets for products they wouldn't look twice at otherwise, trinkets that will sit in their database of crud collecting dust after 'winning' them. You can probably work out that this post is a direct response to the latest ante-up of bad taste in Home, the X7 space. It is not so much against the creators of it, as against the people who allowed it to happen in the first place. A lot of you are on here, which is why this is being posted here. Is a virtual strip club full of pretend diamonds really the kind of thing that appeals to you, or just a nasty example of what happens when a bunch of otherwise well-meaning thirtysomething white guys are told to make something that is exclusive and VIP so people will spend more money, and all they can think of is a rap video? Does this not embarass you, or make you feel like something has gone very wrong somewhere? Do any of you really believe in the concept of EXCLUSIVE VIP EXCLUSIVITY amounting to sitting in a sparkly room inaccessible to most, in a downloadable toy, for a games console? If you don't (and I really hope you don't, deep down, because I can assure you the developers don't), show them. Don't sit on the fence or respond with vague ambivalence, because your opinions really do matter. Start thinking about how to make Home a place where you can be proud to show people a reward from back at the start rather than a universally dismissed money sink for bored people who are more susceptible to reward structures than the average person. When things seem half-baked or thrown out lazily, they probably are. Don't give everything a pass. Criticise constructively. Make it clear what you don't like, but also what you want improved. Home seems to be reaching a critical point where the undercurrent of potential that was always bubbling under the surface will be lost forever to tasteless pandering. The maintainers of this site are especially important, because they control a large chunk of Home's popular opinion right here. YPSH needs to take responsibility for putting occasional sticks up arses, rather than universal praise to anyone looking to make a dollar from this platform. Give Sony reason to fear the response of this site should they try to (perhaps literally) pass off muck as gold. --- IF YOU CAN'T BE BOTHERED READING THINGS BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO BUSY JUMPING THROUGH HOOPS TO GET A LIMITED EDITION CRISS ANGEL COFFIN COUCH, START HERE --- If you slap a dog on the nose next time he brings you a dead bird, he might just learn to not do it any more.
If there will be a free reward like a *limited edition criss angel coffin*, be sure to add me i will invite you.:innocent:
One needs to wait and see what the club is about and what the requirements for it are. I think the VIP area is the Casino has been well received. Personally a space like that in the Casino seems to be a great idea given there is a way to either purchase entry or win it. I dont' use the Casino personally but that space certainly doesn't bother me. With respect to the VIP X7 I will admit it does look a bit tacky which is sort of following in line with the Mansion Gold Theme so to speak. I'll reserve judgement but given it appears to be attached to the Exclusive store I'm not holding out much hope that it'll be a true loyalty based program based on what people buy overall. The Mansioni Perks and this X7 appear to be more of the same. We still have the rope in the Theater months after they said they'd remove it. I'll wait for the details before commenting further.
I think Jo's got it right with the loyality based program, but not just by how much you buy, also by how long you have been a member of the community and perhaps rewards for helping the community as well, I dont think the X7 club is a bad place, its what it stands for, which is home is creating its own class system, tapping into peoples idea of wanting to be a celebrity, the louder the better look at me in my 15 dollar suit, be my friend because I can get you mansion rewards, I want my friends to be my friends because of me.
So it's not a bad place, yet you immediately describe why it's a bad place afterwards. You know it, I know it, the cynics producing it know it. Everyone seems to be in on the ridiculous facade of the whole thing, but there is also this weird level of "Well someone must want it" resignation where the users seem convinced that is just how things are and nothing can be done about it. This is my point. Things can be done. The thread isn't even about this new space. There have been others, there will be more. It's the ambivalent acceptance of every new pile of dung that's shovelled onto the plates of people who use Home. Demand better. If you want a relevant example, Granzella bust their asses to replicate Irem in Japan and bring out a wave of interesting, unique spaces in an attempt to build a community of spaces as diverse as Irem had. Item pricing aside (which can be forgiven up to a point considering they are a new company with no alternate income stream unlike Irem), the spaces are packed with free, unbranded rewards, more advanced games and content than any of the other regions have seen to date, and collaborations with other companies to make the spaces feel more seamless and connected. Japan's response was to chew Granzella out for producing spaces with bugs in, prompting a public apology and extensive work done to fix it. I'm not saying whether that was the right or wrong response, but it got results, and will clearly make other developers raise their game if they want to avoid the same level of scrutiny. Can you even imagine something as impressive and memorable (albeit totally let down by the engine) as Irem's one day April Fool's pretend MMORPG happening in any region other than Japan. It's not even a possibility while people sit on their hands and let lazy developers off the hook with their cash.
Home has only been making a profit for a year, that's 2 years of loss they operated on. I think your statement that X7 is in bad taste is premature judgement that you can't even make since we have no clue what the space will have or it's requirements to get in. I'm happy to purchase items to support the Dev's and grow Home for the masses as long as what they produce makes me happy, and I do spend money in 4 regions on items as I like. I wanted this to happen and was vocal about it on the forums so I'm pretty excited about this coming, there is plenty of room for this to be in Home and I'm sure you'll find many who feel the same as I do. Free items always come at a cost to someone who makes them so free is never really free at all, someone has to pay the Dev's and the bills otherwise there is no growth in Home. I know plenty of people who don't spend a penny ever and have been gifted with so much that they feel they never will need to, so really the money I spend is paying for the "Freemium" experience that they so graciously are getting. And the dev's and other producers in Home give lots of awesome free items on a regular basis to millions of people in the US alone. When we see the new lounge I'll be sure to post my comment, but as it stands I'm excited to see what we will be getting!:smile1:
The way I look at it these "perks" are more compensation for overcharging for what are really shoddy products, But really the best so far was the 3x 100 item bundles reduced to $1 each. I've pretty much lost hope when it comes to stuff produced under the SCEA name (or whatever name they're going by these days), I'm just happy that other developers are really starting to produce great content and it's clear some of the stuff lately has gotten pretty positive attention from users and I honestly haven't seen quite as much complaining as we have in the past. Here are 3 great examples of content we've seen from developers that show how Home has grown in the last few months: Loot EOD: possibly the biggest thing people have been asking for since home began, the ability to watch full length movies and radio stations with a wide range of content. Cutteridge Estate (Juggernaut games): A space that was very well received for both it's core design and it's interactive elements, and was recently updated with the ability to control the weather somewhat, a haunted box etc The Casino (Digital leisure): While the casino itself may not be the most amazing thing to come to home (though it is very nice ;D) I give Digital leisure a mention because since it's release they have interacted with the user in a way no other developer has, simply flooding the free hotel room brought the official forum together to have a laugh and enjoy themselves in a way much more complicated additions have failed to do so. These are just a few examples, and I didn't even have to mention possibly the most popular Home developer Lockwood Publishing. Thanks to these developers I see a bright future for home, a future that may have come sooner had Sony got their head out of their backsides. That may have been my most serious post ever :data:
We've gone over this over and over again Steve. Not everyone who spends lots of money in Home spend it in the Exclusive Store. A true loyalty program would include them as well. I'm not going to belabor the issue but you certainly appear to be happy with exclusives and are happy to buy "junk" out of that store at "inflated prices". Please don't push that exclusivity on those who spend a bundle on home and who will be excluded from this. Now I'll reserve judgement and I hope I'm wrong although I suspect we'll find out soon enough. If it's strictly "exclusive store" related I hope that exclusive crowd enjoys their own company and I will say that there is a wonderful group of home users who spend lots of money who just won't be a part of that community. I'd personally prefer to spend time with them.
Do you really think the money you spend on overpriced, underdeveloped 'prestige' items is somehow funnelled back into making higher quality content for everyone? Or do you think that maybe you're just encouraging them to put out less quality at higher cost after you have so graciously demonstrated to them that they can earn more for less by exploiting the people who have a skewed money to sense ratio. Oh, and don't kid yourself, you're not buying it for 'the devs', you're buying it for yourself, because it makes you feel good. And that is probably about as far as you've ever taken that train of thought.
I'm not pushing anything to anyone, it's my choice to spend the way I like. If management chooses to make a space tied to Exclusives then YAY for me and the others that have spent money on items that we like. There's plenty of room for more programs to reward users for their purchases in the past or their activity in Home and I do hope we will see something of the sort come to fruition. The distinction was made that this is for Exclusives collectors, not a loyalty program for the community. And yes I'm happy with my junk, happy enough I own 70% of the Exclusives content. When the space comes Joanna join me in there and lets see what we get, I'm hoping after the theater thread management will have had plenty to think on to make this space a pleasing medium. :wink1:
There's nothing wrong with pleasing ones self, and yes I am pleased! Don't presume You know me or what I'm thinking, your biased ill informed view on the business in Home has nothing to do with my character or train of thought. You may like to put those walls up and presume you speak for the community but you don't. I happen to participate in Home community forums and other sites like this daily, I know what's going on in the community and I do happen to support in many ways besides spending my money. You can stand on your soap box and twist it how you like but attacking someone because their viewpoint doesn't match yours does not make you a matriarch of Home. You asked for the feedback, is it your intent to belittle those who now give it? Nice way to connect with the community there! :boxed:
I have the plat suit and ruby and sharpie and emlerd suit from exclusive I hope we dont need to own the masion to go the this vip space i be really mad >< Spent over 4,000 USD maybe even more now I really dont want to look just in home damn cute clothes. Aslo stick and tired of people telling how I can spent my money. I go to work for it and if I wanted to throw out a window into fire and watch it burn that be my choice not yours. I own my house have a car walkin closet full of clothes. If i want to buy virtual items it my choice not your stop telling me what I can spent my money on it beyond annoying
Yoshikawa. I noticed that before you added the defensive rant to the second half of your post, it was entirely just you posting yet another thinly veiled, out of context brag about how much you've spent in Home, in a thread about the unacknowledged negative effects of people who do that. I was really hoping it was an attempt at sarcasm, but your edit shot that theory down. Oops. I get the impression that you're too far gone to bother with anyway, but at least ask yourself why, despite vocally spending all that money, you still only ever seem to be 'happy' with material gains (and even then not for long), and never really engage with the human, community-led side of Home to the same extent. "My money my business" is only a valid justification for as long as your 'business' doesn't negatively impact the rest of the community. Just as you are free to spend ridiculous amounts of money with no other justification than "because I can", others are free to judge your character on the basis of that and other actions. By the way, if you want to talk about business, the people who design the real deluxe money sinks on Facebook call the rare people who spend exorbitant amounts in trashy micropayment-based games 'white whales'. Did you know that statistically you are most likely to be a middle-aged female? I'd tell you more but they haven't analysed your lifestyle much beyond how much you spend, because they don't care about why you do it. Just that you keep doing it. Here is to more well-balanced and constructive good times in Playstation Home!
Well, I know what you've thought for the last few posts, and it's right here: http://bit.ly/6GkrO You want to revel in the out of context, societally conditioned pleasure of giving out Money and getting a Thing, but you don't want to do potentially difficult, adult things like exercising quality control or actually thinking about what you are buying. You want to feel like you are doing something positive and supporting the development of Home, but do so by validating every money-spinning experiment they try, no matter how cynical. You want to be exclusive, and feel special, but don't understand that the real way to that is through community and communication rather than a bunch of credit card transactions and a watered down strip club. Finally, you want to reconcile your self-indulgent spending, and feel like you made the right choice. Of course you do. It's human nature to distort reality to fit with our circumstances. Without that process, we'd all go mad, and nobody would ever disagree. But you don't get to play the altruism card like the things you're doing are helping keep Home alive, because that is a lie to yourself, and a lie to anyone who reads it and takes it as justification for their own weakness.
This post touches on a few good points, however, there are also some points that are off target. It could of also been written in a tone that was a little less condescending. Explaining and suggesting a better way to do things is much more effective than talking down to people. Anyone of us who has been on Home since the start knows where the flaws are. We can point out many of them. That being said, many of us still use Home regularly because we enjoy it. Flaws and all. Like many Home users, I bitch about those things that I feel are in dire need of correction. Unlike the "Sony Fan Boys" in a band of people that think they run the place, I speak my mind. That being said, I am also one of Home's biggest supporters. I have always felt Home has yet to reach its full potential (as I stated months ago in my blog post here). IMO, Home lost its direction when Phil Harrison left. It's now being operated like most Fortune 500 companies. Profits are everything. There is truth to the statement that our dollars speak volumes. Controlling that, however, won't come from preaching from a self-appointed pulpit. The masses have always been swayed by the "keeping up with Joneses" attitude of social status. If you have it, then I have to have it. It is very difficult to get people to not think that way (if not impossible). Sony's Marketing Dept. woke up to that fact. Especially SCEA. The "Diamond Collection" and other items like it comes to mind. It's a pure money grab. Pricing items much higher, that cost no more to produce than others. The Mansion personal space being tied to so many other "exclusive" add-ons is getting very annoying to many of us and it needs to stop. The "Haves" and the "Have Nots" will always be part of society, Do we really need to emphasize that elitism in Home? Is it good for the community? IMO, the answer is a clear NO. I fear the X7 space will just add to this "money-grab" and instead of attracting users, it will drive some away. All that said, the statement, "YPSH needs to take responsibility for putting occasional sticks up arses, rather than universal praise to anyone looking to make a dollar from this platform" is terribly ill-informed. The truth is, YPSH is totally reponsible. We don't put sticks "up arses". Rather we run an honest, open and independent forum. If you note a tone here, that praises, it's generally because praise was due. There is just as much criticism when it is due as well. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, not "sticking it". You make change by voicing honest informed opinions in a way that, hopefully, changes peoples mind. It's serves no purpose to constantly bite the hand that feeds you. Sony needs a site like YPSH to promote it and support it, but we also need them to supply us with info and to keep Home running in the first place. Without that, we have nothing. So we criticize and praise, but in a manner that we hope slowly affects change for the better. Generally speaking, the independent developers have been doing a marvelous job. Lockwood and LOOT both have produced spaces that are very attractive and resonably priced and UPDATED. A huge plus. Those items will sell themselves without having to resort to marketing tricks or calling them "exclusives". So yes, let's all ban together and promote the good in Home and voice our dislike of the so-called "elite" items and speak with our dollars. Do it through education and friendly discussion. Coax people to spend their dollars wisely and to not buy things that are obvious money-grabs or not well designed. Explain why it is necessary in a friendly manner. Don't just tell them not to do it. That will only lead to a reverse effect.
The issue here isn't what people spend on Home. The issue is that the Home Team want people to buy "specific items" of their choice for it to be meaningful. In the discussion about the rope on PlayStation.com the HCM's asked for input as to how we might want to see a true loyalty program operate. In that discussion there were a number of alternate forms of entry into any VIP space which included spending money in home on any items and not limited to exclusive store purchases only. Other forms of entry discussed were achievements in various home related games – be they leader boards and the like – as well a other forms of potential recognition when it comes to being a VIP. It's going to be interesting to see how certain special interest groups are allowed access whereas other regular users are denied that same access. I'm wondering for example if all HCV's will be members, whether those from various online magazines like Home Station and the Gazette, as well as other special invitees will be granted access. I don't suppose those will be publicized but I hope that any access to this supposed VIP area will treat everyone fairly. Those receiving free perks shouldn't be allowed access just because they got those items for free in my view. As we can see in this discussion this is a potentially very divisive issue. One can hope that the current direction related to overpriced mansion and exclusive store related marketing comes to an end real soon. The problem however is that there is an "in group" of "special access" people running around who seem to have an undue influence upon the current direction of SCEA Home. Sadly that doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon. If anything that group is having more and more of an influence upon the direction of Home and personally I find it very disturbing.
I'm not going to deny being deliberately abrasive to ruffle feathers, but I feel like this issue is hitting a bit of a make or break situation now that the EU region has effectively been rolled into the US. Without some kind of shift in user base perception soon, that clear potential we all saw at the start may be lost for good. While I agree the big independents are currently putting out some decent (if curiously generic) output, their business model is still mainly focused on pumping out weekly batches of barely interactive objects to decorate Home's rapidly aging engine. It, and they, can do better than that.
It is true, however, that if the masses stop buying these over-priced items (whether it is to gain access to a so-called VIP area or not), it may make Sony think twice. Maybe.
Well I won't buy a gold or diamond suit or whatever those other suits are called or any other "have to have in order to satisfy the marketing VIP gods". They are tacky and just not me. I won't buy them and won't lose any sleep about not being in a VIP area. They can put it in their pipe and smoke it cause Joanna isn't going to be part of any of that marketing BS. I own mansion spaces because of the free garage and really wanted the Infinity pool which for me although overpriced at 9.99 was something I was willing to buy. That plus the 1st floor which I rarely use and probably shouldn't have purchased did give me 3 spaces for 14.98. Of the 3 the Pool is one I have saved as my default space and am happy I own it. It really has turned out to be the only one I really use.