Hi everyone! I thought I'd give you all a heads up for Episode 3.1 of the Spotlight coming soon to a community theater near you. It is the sequel to Episode 3.0 which is currently playing on screen 10 and which is now available on YouTube. Director on Duty and PSTalent have some pretty neat content which many of you might want to really have a look at if you haven't already had the chance. The Spotlight is user generated Home Machinima which is pretty special in my view. PS Talent Agency | Home Episode 3.0 is Now on YouTube. <strong>[video=youtube;clbK_FErVWg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=clbK_FErVWg[/video] Episode 3.1 coming soon to the Community Theater.
Episode Two and the Heavy Water interview which was the debut of the Spotlight are here! Episode 2 [video=youtube;kTYiLUBPEfI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTYiLUBPEfI&hd=1[/video] Debut of PSTalent Spotlight (Heavy Water Interview) [video=youtube;0F2GCbLVbcU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F2GCbLVbcU&hd=1[/video]
I love everything about this, but I have trouble following the storyline. Do they/y'all not have a writer or is it an ongoing serial that I need to catch up on? There are very some very funny moments though. Keep it up ! :clap: