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PSN Restoration In Japan Yet To Be Approved

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by King Ondoher, May 16, 2011.

  1. King Ondoher

    May 7, 2011
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    PSN Restoration In Japan Yet To Be Approved - News -

    Sony launched the PlayStation Network and Qriocity service restoration program this past weekend, with the networks going live first in North America, followed by Europe. However, PSN restoration is being blocked in Japan until Sony can prove that they have taken substantial preventive measures against such attacks.

    "We met with Sony on May 6 and 13, and basically we want two things from them," said Kazushige Nobutani, director of the Media and Content Industry department at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in a Dow Jones Newswires report.

    There are two key factors that play into the approval process: "The first is preventative measures. As of May 13, Sony was incomplete in exercising measures that they said they will do on the May 1 press conference," he said without providing details on the issues for security reasons.

    The second point was how Sony planned on regaining customer confidence after having compromised personal information, including credit card numbers.

    "There were similar cases in the past that were caused by other firms, and we are asking Sony whether their measures are good enough when compared to countermeasures taken in the past," he added.

    PlayStation Network is finally back up, although only with the most basic functions. The PlayStation Store remains down for the time being.
  2. Ariane Chavasse

    Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

    Mar 14, 2011
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    from Japan Restart of Sony Online Games Services Not Yet Approved -
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