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[ PS Home & Network ]

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by TJMVoyager, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. TJMVoyager

    TJMVoyager Member

    May 31, 2011
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    How many here feel that sense the outage that PSN Home, and Network are down more then it's up? Their forums are always down, I haven't been able to login to my account management for quite sometime down. Just about everyday their is some type of so called maintenance.

    When you rebuild a network infostructure and data center it usually involves upgrading both software and hardware, and shouldn't take more then a month or 2 to get everything back online. Today even the store is down.

    Everytime their is an update a new problem is born, of some sort. I am some how thinking that Sony really doesn't know what they are doing. I am not trolling or bashing Sony, I just find it odd after the outage, how their network is so unstable.

    I have had a MCSE for over 10 years, and can tell you out of all the business's I have worked for, and a network administrator for over 8 years, I have never seen in my entire time working in this field as many problems as Sony has with their network, and not being able to get their network up to par.

    If I was their Network Admin, they would have been fired off my MIT a long time ago, LOL.

    What do you guys think?
  2. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Not being a fanboy on "another console", but was wondering and inquiring what do you think of the way Microsoft handle their XBL and their server? I don't work in the I.T. field, but just inquire and get an evaluation from your perspective with what MS is capable of with their server upgrade and security.
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