Hi all, Just a fast heads up to let you know that right now the site and myself if not able to send any e-mail to yahoo e-mail address's, this error is due to yahoo itself blocking a full ip range that my sites server happens to fail within. Trying to get it sorted asap, but if you use yahoo and you can please edit your email address to a none yahoo one at the following page: http://www.yourplaystationhome.com/profile.php?do=editpassword
Hey Carla, Wasn't there a problem last year with Yahoo mail sending all the psn reward codes for The Game "Round 1" straight to the rubbish bin? Yahoo seems to go postal on anything that remotely looks like SPAM. Love your website by the way, hope you can convince them to sort it out!
Yahoo have got real fussy of late and basically the data center where my server is hosted have had their full range of ips blocked. It don't really effect this site to much apart from you can not get password reminders or email for like new pm and replys. If anyone does need a password reminder then please email me from the email you used to sign up with and ill reply via a gmail address i set up.