I spoke to a Sony customer service rep as noted uk the other thread and I was told we need lots of people to ask for the same thing before it gets taken into consideration. Anyone with this problem please sign! http://www.change.org/petitions/sony-allow-sub-accounts-to-be-changed-to-master-accounts
There's no way they're going to do that, April. The potential for abuse is just too great, not to mention endless customer service arguments about who does and does not (or, in bad cases, who did or did not) have permission to make a sub a master, and so on. It's a gigantic can of worms. Sony is scared of worms. They have scoleciphobia. Sony won't even open a can of spaghetti because it reminds them of a can of worms. Not to mention that PSN seems to be held together with ducktape and prayers. They probably won't want to touch the user system for fear of breaking it or opening up a(nother) security hole.