I was wondering if anyone would like to see or have a PS game related companion for your avatar in Home. Most likely it won't happen but I'm curious to know if you guys have any favorites you would like see available in Home. I have a few in mind: 1) Amateratsu (from Okami - PS2) 2) Koromaru or Cerberus (from Persona 3 - PS2) 3) Rathalos (from Monster Hunter series - PS2 and PSP) 4) Hans (from Valkyria Chronicles - PS3) 5) Sackboy [with Slap another Sackboy animation] :biglaugh2: (from LittleBigPlanet - PS3) 6) Ewok (Star Wars / Lucas Arts)
I would love to have Wall-E and EVE as companions. maybe both together at the same time on one slot. That would be sooo cute!
Wow, awesome choices guys. Considering there are so many MGS fans out there; the Metal Gear MK.II would sell like hotcakes!!! I also would like to see Raiden's costume in Home and not the look-a-like Cyborg Ninja. lol
An obvious choice as a companion has to be none other than the portal companion cube Or wheatley *Can't get portal 2 out of my mind just now *
Well I guess with the companion cube, they could just make it more like the dice item than the companions
Women for man Chloe or Elena Elika Sheva or may be Excella Any women from any fighting And man for women..its difficult for me May be..Drake
My first choice is sackboy but that was ready said so choice 2 would be anybody from any of the Lego games minus Lego rockband or Lara Croft from underworld >.<