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PlayStation®Home Behind the Scenes

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Ibanez AEL, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. Ibanez AEL

    Ibanez AEL Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Art books can be found for games like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Etc...

    I was thinking (I happen to do that a few minutes a day... lol), wouldn't it be great to have a real great artbook on our favourite game: PlayStation Home?

    A book filled with photos of different Home spaces we know so well.

    The making of all these virtual spaces. A book containing prep sketches of Home Square for example. Added with interviews of all the great people behind it all.
    How about detailed step-by-step pics of how a space is created...

    I would really love to have a book like that on my shelf! I could show my family "where I go" when I'm having fun on Home.

    I wonder if...

    Maybe one day...
  2. PiaCarot

    PiaCarot Cat Ballyhoo

    Jul 5, 2010
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    They'd have to localise it... we might see it in a decade or two ;)

    But yes it would be great to know these things. I've met one of the Home core developers in Home (I'm sure CB knows more) and it's always really interesting to hear what snippets they do say about how stuff works. Call me naive but I asked one of them once if the the LBP Object in the LBP space actually came from the game itself... and he said "Technically" yes!
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