I've just finished redecorating the clubhouse for a club I run in Home, called Old People's Home. I'd gone with a sci-fi makeover for a few months now (I have some pics of that too actually, but I won't bore you with them) and it felt like time for another revamp. So, let me know what you think. Here's me in the main club area, considering a little drink or two. Here I am again, wondering why this globe fails to properly show the Empire. A view looking out from the drinks area. Hmm, possibly time for a game of chess? A good view of an old hunting trophy here. Damn wampas! Should we tire of the main clubhouse, we can wander out into the grounds (or "grinds" if you're posh enough to live in a "hise"). Here's a view across the lawn. You can just see the start of the golf course in this picture, on the left. The tee is rather large due to our failing eyesight. A better view of the picnic and barbeque area. The final hole of the golf course can be seen in the far distance. As you'll have realised from the previous pictures, it's a long way from the tee to the final hole on our course, hence this handy golf cart to get us oldies about the place. Thanks to a super wide angle lens I've managed to get the entire golf course in one picture here. Bit of a stroke of luck, that. I'm just travelling to the final hole in the cart. Ah, that's better, a nice sit down. Might fire that barbeque up in a little while. Naturally, us oldies need certain facilities. This lavatory is nicely private and discrete. Finally, I settle down with my picnic basket. There. Bit of a change from the previous sci-fi effort. I'd be interested to hear opinions on it, but I for one think it turned out rather well.
Certainly an exquisite space made brilliant with the placement. If I may ask, where did you purchase the walls, as well as the grass textures?
Well, we might have a spare space or two as I think a few disappeared a while back. It's a club for gamers of mature attitude, over 21, who get fed up with going online and receiving childish and often racist insults from the "squeekies". We host many members-only gaming sessions so that we know we're playing with decent and friendly people. We are past our best and we know it. We organise gaming via PlanetMGC :: PS3 & 360 Gaming for the Over 21s and "Old People's Home" is just the Home counterpart of the club. If you feel you qualify and would like to join in then sure, I'll invite you. Let me know. Yup. I think these may have been bonus walls from a big pack. Every one of the different Aurora grass tiles is used here, incidentally. Anyway, as people didn't think I was silly for posting, here's some picks of it's previous "sci-fi" look (it's had quite a few makeovers). Me posing as Boba Fett, to go with the sci-fi look. Note the use of Loot walls again, but far more fiddly in this case and took hours. I tried to put a ceiling on too, but if anybody has ever managed more than a small scale sci-fi ceiling installation then please tell me where I'm going wrong as I find it a nightmare to do. I went with just walls in the end. Saying hello to the commandable robo-doggy. He was fun but I found his leg servos too loud so I'm sorry to say that I don't miss him about the club.
I think that certain wall is in the bundle. I already own one of the walls. Those are a pain to position in small spaces because they are so big! These look so natural and they seem like they fit more easily. I wanted to use them for my club. When you say it took you hours, I can only imagine how frustrating that would be.
I like the sound of your club. I can relate. But back on subject, nice clubhouse. The dividers sectioning off the grass area is a nice touch, like going to a backyard.
To be honest, yes, the over 21 rule is not strictly adhered to and is really more of a guideline. We're not totally po-faced and serious but value things like lack of abuse and insults in our online gaming. We have all sorts of gaming nights (PSN and Live, although I'm solely PS3 based) but they are not super-competitive and are more abut fun. Our Burnout Paradise nights, for example, sometimes go for about an hour with chatting and zooming about before the host even declares a challenge and we love the webcam crash photos. So, if you: - Can use proper English without excessive 1337 or txt abbreviations. - Don't feel the need to insult others online. - Fancy online gaming with a friendly crowd. - Aren't super-competitive. ...then join up over at PlanetMGC :: PS3 & 360 Gaming for the Over 21s for old duffer gaming at its finest. Post over there in new members once joined and ask to be in the Home club and I'll try to find a slot for you. Please note that I'm not trying to steal members from this forum as this is the best Home forum by far. MGC covers the online gaming side of things, so the two go together nicely and we are in no way competitors.