i just spoke to (psn name) NovusPrime in the public space and he had the commander suit on. when i asked if that was the commander suit he replied. " I am wearing it. since the Grand Admiral's Uniform is still in the work " i asked if it was a purchased item or for level 40 then he kinda changed the subject and when i said im sure its for level 40 he just di a smiley face. all he has been doing since then is talking about the lore and info about novus prime. also he says he cant leave and homelings are coming to visit soon. also PSn names "hellfiregames" and "Novus--Cooldown" were there playing a few rounds with people. i got to play one with NovusPrime. after the game he told me he had to go check on how japan was doing.
Cool that developers were getting some time off to play their games with us. Good to think more updates will come. Now I just have to get into Home and try out "Master" levels. I also will probably get the new Obsidian Ship since I never bout the other small fighter. I have a Codebreaker with full level upgrades.
the new ship is $10 and it comes with the costume, but the master levels are hard, 4 of us with captain jackets failed at one if you wanna play as a team send me a message, i have the personal space, also the 300% booster is worth it
Yeah I just stopped by Novus Prime today just to see what was going on and got five or six new rewards just for entering the space. I also noticed the level up bar seemed to be off. I mean I have the commander jacket and played all the way through the first time, but now I showed up and it says I'm level 18, weird. Didn't have time to play yet, but sounds good to know there are more levels, and even more will come soon, I liked this game.
Looks like level 30 is a few hours work saw someone wearing the uniform except the lvl 30 jacket already with in 18 hours of release
yeah those are the bits I didnt agree with, puts more priority on rewards and making money than the game itself, its become a race to level 30 instead of enjoying the games new levels people are playing same game over and over again, because of the ease to complete and xp yield
its still not that fast, im only at 23 now. but i figured it would be good since they plan on increasing it more. i did notice one issue with this new update. when people join at the same time it lets them in so you might have 5 or even 6 people in a game, the only thing is that now it shows the score for all 4 players at the end. so ive had this happen twice where 5 people where in and at the end it boots you out and doesnt keep your score and the game will no longer work unless you reload.
level 23 now been available for 36 hours, so by the next wednesdays update if you play as regular, you would be level 30 and that isnt too quick, I think you shouldnt be able to gain xp if you do the same game twice in a row, just so theres a mixture of games and the possibility of failure
im at 28 now, but im moving and all my games are packed up, so its one of the only things ive had to play.
They need to fix the XP system. It distributes it equally to all members rather than contribution, so I see a few people doing nothing at all.