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Normal Maps are going to rock PS4

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Firefly, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    +67 /2
    Hey guys, I just thought you might find something interesting. There is a 3D technique called normal maps. It basically is like projecting something to be 3D onto a flat 2D surface. it's kinda like how holograms can look fully 3D, but it's really flat on a simple flat surface. But it LOOKS 3D with alot more detail than a flat surface.

    Well, imagine that technique applied to your avatar. A fully detailed model, as detailed as the newest hotest video cutscene models, projected on your fairly low resolution Home Avatar. So it LOOKS like a cinematic gorgeous hi rez model. even though it's not. And the cpu doesn't choke like it would on a hi resolution render.

    that's what normal maps are. A texture on a surface that creates the illusion of depth.

    here's an example. Take a look at the white button snap. The white disk with a chrome attachment.

    Normal Maps are going to rock PS4, Firefly, Jun 15, 2011, 11:23 AM,, jpg, snap sideview.jpg

    Each snap is just two triangles with a texture painted on them. A flat image on a little square plane.

    But looke what happens when you use a normal map!


    This is the same model. The same little square with a picture painted on it. But the normal map makes it work like 3D. the light swings around it and illuminates it just like a 3D model!!

    It takes very little computing power. But makes a ton of difference.

    Pretty cool, huh?
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