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Granzella New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, May 28, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    +263 /52
    New this week in NA, EU and Asia :

    Lively Cat 3-piece Set

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529_Cat.jpg

    The cat portable items includes 3 breeds, the calico cat, black cat, and tabby cat! When used it moves around the player and runs following behind. Additionally, when you haven't moved for a while, it will yawn and stretch like a cat and its cute purring can be heard.

    NOTE : The Lively Cat (Portable Item) can only be used one at a time. It is not possible to walk with 3 cats.

    A new pattern for the yukatta series. It's made of a dark blue fabric with an image showing the flowing milky way and beautiful, sparkling, starry night sky. In addition, bamboo leaves are featured as well, making this a good choice for summer nights.

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529_Yukata.jpg

    Yukata, Top (Tanabata, Men)
    Yukata, Bottom (Tanabata, Men)
    Yukata, Top (White, Lotus & Frog, Men)
    Yukata, Top (Black, Fireworks, Men)
    Yukata, Bottom (White, Lotus & Frog, Men)
    Yukata, Bottom (Black, Fireworks, Men)
    Yukata, Top (Rhinoceros Beetle & Stag Beetle, 5 Colors, Men)
    Black, Red, Green,Blue,Pink
    Yukata, Bottom (Rhinoceros Beetle & Stag Beetle,5 Colors, Men)
    Black, Red,Green,Blue,Pink
    Yukata, Top (Tanabata, Women)
    Yukata, Bottom (Tanabata, Women)
    Yukata, Top (White, Hydrangea, Women)
    Yukata, Top (Black, Fireworks, Women)
    Yukata, Bottom (White, Hydrangea, Women)
    Yukata, Bottom (Black, Fireworks, Women)
    Yukata, Top (Rhinoceros Beetle & Stag Beetle ,5 Colors,Women)
    Black, Red,Green,Blue,Pink
    Yukata, Bottom (Rhinoceros Beetle & Stag Beetle, 5 Colors,Women)
    Black, Red,Green,Blue,Pink

    New this week in EU :

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529_The KIKAI Machine Empire.jpg

    We are pleased to announce the launch of our new PlayStationHome® event in the Europe region, “Invasion by the Kikai Machine Empire”. This event will take place in three of the Granzella lounges, as well as six new lounges specially created just for the event. The event will be held in North America at a later date, however, the date has not been confirmed yet.

    At 8:00 p.m. on May 30 (BST), the UFO that stayed over the Neon Downtown was transformed.
    On May 30, all of a sudden, the UFO that appeared to be a friendly messenger to the earth demanded that the earth should be surrendered.

    As the government ignored this, the UFO that stayed over the Neon Downtown was transformed and started attacking the earth!

    The Kikai Machine Imperial Army dropped countless Kikai Soldiers from the UFO. The city was almost completely destroyed by the Kikai Soldiers. Attacks from the Kikai Machine Empire continued with no mercy, taking hope away from the people.

    Here comes a mysterious organization, called "Granzella"-- the Granzella Self-Defence Forces. Now, let’s become a member of Granzella Self-Defence Forces and prevent their invasion!

    Join the Granzella Self-Defence Forces!

    Let’s gather information in the Secret Base? of the Granzella Self-Defence Forces!

    Once you receive the battle suit in the Secret Base? lounge, you will become a member of Granzella Self-Defence Forces! In addition, you will obtain one of the weapons of the following three professionals once you complete the quest given out by the Granzella Self-Defence Forces:

    A) Profession: Beam Samurai

    Beam Samurai are the experts at direct attacks with the Beam Katana.

    B) Profession: Honeycomb Hacker

    Honeycomb Hackers hack enemy computers and force them into friendly fire.

    C) Profession: Battle Healer

    Battle Healers are able to heal allies and destroy enemies with fists of steel. They can deploy their energy shield in front of them.

    Help People and Get Reward Items!

    When you talk to some people in the lounges, you will start a quest as a part of the mission. Every time you complete the quest, you will gain reward items, such as “Kikai Soldier’s Mask” and “Kikai Soldier’s Toilet”.

    In addition, depending on how well you fight in the battle, you will receive “valiant points”. The valiance points will be tallied up, and the top ranking Players will be announced on the ranking board in the Secret Base? lounge. The highest ranking players will receive super gorgeous reward items such as “Kikai Soldier’s Mini Bike” ,
    “Kikai Soldier Outfit” and so on.

    Items available for purchase :

    Beam Samurai Weapon Set - Beam Samurai Weapons Set contains basic items for Beam Samurai, who are the experts at direct attacks with the Beam Katana. Beam Samurai basically use their swords to unleash combo attacks

    Honeycomb Hacker Weapon Set - Honeycomb Hacker Weapon Set contains basic items for Honeycomb Hackers, who are able to disrupt enemy computers. Honeycomb Hackers hack enemy computers and force them into friendly fire.

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529_The KIKAI Machine Empire_job.jpg

    Battle Healer Weapon Set - Battle Healer Weapon Set contains basic items for Battle Healers, who are able to heal allies and destroy enemies with fists of steel.

    Attack-type Partner Set, Dog - Attack-type partner dogs are trustworthy companions that follow the player around and deliver body blows to the enemies they discover. They have a strong affinity for Honeycomb Hackers and display an increased attacking strength when accompanying them.

    Support-type Partner Set, Talking Radish (partner robot ) - Support-type partner talking radishes follow the player around.They are trustworthy companions that will enhance attacking strength, defensive strength, movement speed, and gauge increases at fixed intervals.

    Recovery-type Partner Set, Rabbit - Recovery-type partner rabbits will heal you at fixed intervals. They have a strong affinity for Beam Samurai and display increased healing abilities when accompanying them.

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529üQPartner Set.jpg

    Bomber Zo-Iyaar Model Set

    Bipedal Cleaner Ordnance Chigore-Gayne Model Set

    Quadruped Missile Ordnance Die Killer Unke Model Set

    UFO (Pre-Transformation) Set (UFO front)

    UFO (Post-Transformation) Set

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529_UFO.jpg

    Locomotion - Booster Shoes (5 Colors) - Equipping Booster Shoes will improve your jumping ability and change your jump attack into a dropkick.

    New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 28, 2013, 4:43 PM,, jpg, 20130529_Locomotion - Booster Shoes.jpg
    Be sure to check out our ongoing event guide ---- >> CLICK HERE
    • Like Like x 3
    • PrometheusUFO

      PrometheusUFO The Paranoid Pariah

      Jan 6, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +12 /1
      Aw man. *jealous* I hope NA gets the event the following week. I wants me some booster shoes. :p
    • Heavyn

      Heavyn ~The big and the bad~
      Valued Member

      Jan 15, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +33 /4
      Sweet, this means we more than likely will get the event after EU. :D Now if only we can get Neon district to happen.
      • Like Like x 1
      • drake21734

        drake21734 Administrator
        Staff Member Administrator

        Feb 5, 2011
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        +45 /11
        Well at least we know it's been translated into English. That's a good sign.
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        +261 /59
        Yes but not US English :p anyway even know I did the event in Japan, it will be nice to do it again in English so I can follow the story better.
        • Like Like x 1
        • drake21734

          drake21734 Administrator
          Staff Member Administrator

          Feb 5, 2011
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          I'll take any English over something I can't translate at all :p
        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
          Staff Member Administrator

          Mar 21, 2012
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          Well i dunno what English you would be after then :p
        • ReccaWolf

          ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

          Jan 16, 2011
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          +89 /13
          I just ordered 35 pounds, so this is definitely happening for me. ^^

          Plenty of pounds to buy the stuff there. ;)
        • kwoman32

          kwoman32 Head Administrator
          Staff Member Administrator

          Nov 29, 2009
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          Be sure to be on hand at the Neon Downtown space at 8:00 p.m. on May 30 (BST) or 3:00 p.m. (EDT) to see the invasion! Thanks to drake2173 for these snaps of the invasion when it took place in Japan.

          New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 29, 2013, 3:28 AM,, jpg, KME002- 05-16-2013 .jpg New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 29, 2013, 3:28 AM,, jpg, KME03- 05-16-2013 .jpg New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 29, 2013, 3:28 AM,, jpg, KME04- 05-16-2013.jpg New This Week From Granzella Worldwide - 5-29-13, kwoman32, May 29, 2013, 3:28 AM,, jpg, KME05-05-16-2013.jpg
          I have to say this is quite the undertaking by Granzella. Impressive. I didn't find the rewards all that great, but this is one time when the rewards don't matter. You'll enjoy playing the game and accomplishing the missions.
          • Like Like x 1
          • ReccaWolf

            ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

            Jan 16, 2011
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            +89 /13
            Would someone make a video for the invasion. Most of us won't be able to see it. :p

            The Downtown shop also has the Kikai event weapons, companions, models, and LMO kickers if you wish to spend some time buying before the event. It'll be easier than wasting time per shop. The black suits were not included but would probably be at some time later this week or hidden within any of the shops in each mini-game space.
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