Ever wished your friends were a little more... anime? Saluting you when they like your ideas, making victory or heart signs as you pose together for photos. Lockwood's Gift Machine provides the Cute Anime Poses Pack to turn your friends into the perfect anime sidekicks. If it's a makeover for yourself you're looking for, give the Kalila or Rami outfits a try. These latest colour variations give the Arabian-inspired swimwear a sultry evening look, ideal for cool drinks by the pool as you watch the sun set over the Kingdom's distant misty islands. And finally, a reminder that the Gift Machine Spring Clean ends this week, so make sure you don't miss out on trading with your friends, because when those gifts are gone, they're gone for GOOD.
Yeah, this re-skin kick LW is on is beyond pathetic now. Not to mention that it's a re-skin of an extremely unpopular look on Home. Maybe if they were updating those Kingdom spaces with new rewards they would have more people showing interest. Dear Sony: Please start looking for Home dev's who have fresh ideas, something of value to offer it's loyal customers, and who care.
At first I was really skeptical of the Cute Anime poses, but I was gifted these by a very generous friend and they are actually wonderful! Very simple poses, a nice pacing to the movements, a cute weight shift from right to left and a head tilt reoccur while you are in all but one of the poses. I really like this pack. I was pleasantly surprised. And it is a definite improvement in LKWD's hit or miss recent pose packs. I definitely recommend these to anyone looking for new cute, realistic poses with a very mild anime feel. Not recommended for anyone that does not want any cutesy poses! Great job this time, LKWD!