If you download and watch video (especially anime) on the Internet, soon you may run into a new video format. Currently all video you watch on the net is 8bit. Which means every pixel has an 8bit storage slot (for each color channel). To put it simply, each pixel can be one of 256x256x256 different colors. 10 bit means 1024x1024x1024 colors for each pixel. Problem is you need to upgrade to play the new format. If you have a pc, you can go to cccp-project.net and install their codec pack. That will let you watch 10bit videos. There is also a new videolan player offshoot that will play it. But I don't know it well enough to recommend it. Google if you wish to find it. I would link it, but I never heard of the website before, and can't say it's safe. I never heard anything bad, but I don't trust new websites until I hear more about them. 10bit video will play in most players, but it looks like garbage without an upgraded codec. It can give just a green screen. Or it can look like a super low Rez movie with lots of garbage artifacts on the screen. but with the right codec, the colors look a tiny bit richer, but well... Not all that different. But if that's the format of the video, you don't have a choice if yu want to view it. You have to go 10bit.