Hey yall! You might remember in October of last year, I participated in the Extra Life charity to help raise money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, where any child can be treated, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Well it's that time again! This Saturday, October 20th, I will embark on a 24-hour gaming marathon. I'll be playing a variety games including mini-games on PS Home. I am asking for you to please help sponsor me or participate yourself. Donations are tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids. Here is a link to my donation page: http://extra-life.org/participant/TBaby Please help me for this great cause, for children who are our future! Thankies for your support! Muahz! ^__^ About Extra Life: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cms.page&id=1007&eventID=508 FAQs: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cms.page&id=1005&eventID=508 About Children’s Miracle Network: http://childrensmiraclenetworkhospitals.org/About
YAYS! I passed my original goal of $150 yesterday by raising $182! Thank you everyone for your support. But I don't want to stop here. I want to keep raising money, so I have changed my goal to $250. So if you haven't donated yet, please visit my donation page: http://extra-life.org/participant/TBaby Muahz!
Gaming has begun! YAYS! I passed my new goal of $250, raising $258! But I still want to raise more, so please donate if you can! ^__^ I'll be joining some players that will be streaming live. What games do you want me to play? So far I have planned to play RE6, NBA 2K13, SR3, U3, ModNation Racers and Burnout on PS3. I've been playing on my Wii with my daughter this morning and will be playing DrawSomething on my phone too. Watch my Twitter feed for updates! ^__^