Does anyone know what you have to do with the Wise Old Man. I have spent ages trying to figure out his words but I have no idea what you are supposed to do. Can anyone help?
You just need to keep on checking - its just a little bit of fun, perhaps some kind of puzzle thing... maybe even a free item of clothing or ornament at the end? I've not checked him since friday, does he say something different each day?
Went there other day and everytime you click on him he says something new. So its just putting out random sayings.
Well we know a little more about the wiseman now.. Thy said in the blog that we'd be able to step into the "ring" with him... so what is it a sumo fight? Karate??
the outfits do 2 dif kicks which is cool , i think its slowly edging towards a game coming 2 the sq as the footy game going soon , was nice 2 get a surprise reward when entering the sq yesterday
the wise man talks about not being jealous of others so maybe there is something coming 4 the ladies ... i have spoken 2 a few ladies and they not happy about the lack of clothing 4 them in my region anyway and now this has happened it made things worse which i totally understand when looking at the usa content