I figure members on here has mostly has the same games, why not put teams together. List multi player or co-op games u have Then someone else can reply by listing the same game & adding ur name 2 a team they like 2 join. If u don't want to join that member simply say sorry I can't My list 1. DeadSpace2 2. SaintsRow2 *made up member* Squiggly Spooch 1. DeadSpace2 2. SaintsRow2 *My reply* VampireWicked 1. DeadSpace2 squiggly spooch VampireWicked Squiggly Spooch's reply, sorry can't VampireWicked. And post the games without my name & look 4 someone else who has the same games posted. Squiggly Spooch 1. DeadSpace2 2. SaintsRow2 Or reply by posting the team of the people you excepted. Squiggly Spooch 1. DeadSpace2 VampireWicked Squiggly Spooch 2. SaintsRow2 Or u can ask 4 helpful tips on difficult multi player games, like Demon's Souls or whichever